What you suggest? Use cloud based online storage or burn to blue ray discs and store in storage facility?


My photo collection is growing rapidly. So rapidly I cannot keep up. I'm expected to hit 3TB of photos (NOT porn) just all family photos.

I need to find a good yet safe and secure location to store them.

What would people here suggest?

Use online solutions like backblaze, or drop box or something else?

How would you keep those personal photos (again not porn) kept to yourself so that nobody goes out and uses the face of a since passed relative for say advertising.

Would you just keep burning them to blue ray discs or dump onto hard drives and keep them stored in a storage facility?

I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this? As I need to make a serious decision and I'm on the line right down the middle of what to do.

Cloud storage is handy as I can open a business account and get great prices for storage yet I worry about the privacy from things like hacks, or images being used for advertising.
Yet offline storage like burning to blue ray discs is time consuming and will make for a crazy amount of discs as apposed to multiple massive hard drives or hard drives in raid.
Externals are the cheapest of the cheap, i highly suggest you avoid them.

What you'll want to do to truly keep your data safe and secure is set up a NAS in your home behind your firewall.

You should use redundant storage, so RAID would be a necessary feature. This prevents you from losing data from HDD failure.

Having it in your home means you have direct control over access, you can choose to have remote access to your files, or not, up to you.

The only thing this doesn't save you from is fire, flood, theft or vandalism..
For this i suggest maybe once a month storing all your data to a reliable hard drive and putting it in a safety deposit box or some other long term storage solution outside of your home, but not online.


Nov 29, 2015
There is no way to ensure 100% that a hacker won't get their hands on these photos. The best you can do is keep them on external drive and encrypt the drive so it makes it harder to access the files if they somehow manager to access external hard drive. If you are concerned about being hacked I would avoid cloud storage (that is not to say that it is a bad idea or unsafe).

Just in case the device photos are stored gets damaged it is advised to have the files in 2-3 different devices and have them in different locations.
Externals are the cheapest of the cheap, i highly suggest you avoid them.

What you'll want to do to truly keep your data safe and secure is set up a NAS in your home behind your firewall.

You should use redundant storage, so RAID would be a necessary feature. This prevents you from losing data from HDD failure.

Having it in your home means you have direct control over access, you can choose to have remote access to your files, or not, up to you.

The only thing this doesn't save you from is fire, flood, theft or vandalism..
For this i suggest maybe once a month storing all your data to a reliable hard drive and putting it in a safety deposit box or some other long term storage solution outside of your home, but not online.

Unless you are dealing wiht hightly sensitive stuff that someone could use to make money off of(i'm talking blackmail etc. not advertising) and/or are a celebrity and are storing nudes of yourself your concearns about cloud storage are greatly exaggerated.
And cluod storage is your best bet for both reliability and availability. Amazon has unlimited photo and unlimited everything plans that are the most cost effective for large libraries such as yours.