[SOLVED] Whats better than MSI MPG X570 GAMING EDGE WIFI Motherboard @ $209?

I would reconsider getting a MSi mobo... MSi has cut corners on their VRM design which YouTube videos show the VRM hits temps of 100+ degrees (or 40 degrees higher than the better boards) which causes the CPU to throttle its speeds. VRM design is extremely important with the new Ryzen CPUs because of their high current draw.

Just search for Hardware Unboxed X.570 motherboard videos on YouTube. They are eye-opening... (sad to say, I have a mid-tier MSi MPG Gaming Carbon Pro Wi-Fi motherboard which has one of the poorer VRM designs)
Depends what you're looking for.
The Edge Wifi is a doubled 4phase VRM, IIRC.....

The Gigabyte Aorus Elite is a doubled 6phase and $10 cheaper. The WIFI board is $210

HOWEVER, unless you need a specific X570 feature (pretty much PCIe Gen4).... Then ~$200 puts you in the pricepoint of some of the best X470 boards:
  • the ASRock Taichi. Forgoes 10GB NiC and surface mount power/reset found on the Taichi Ultimate, but otherwise the same
  • ASUS Crosshair VII - it's more expensive, so doesn't quite meet your "at the pricepoint" question.... but a very good board.
Both of those boards support flashing the BIOS without CPU/RAM installed, so if required, can be updated to support the 3000 series CPUs.
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Below is my build. Any advice is welcome but im really looking to know if there is a better board at $170? This is primarily for a guy who does a lot of photoshop, no plans to game on it.
Motherboard: MSI MPG X570 GAMING PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard

PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/T2RxZR

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($194.79 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($34.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI MPG X570 GAMING PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard ($169.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($157.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 970 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive ($89.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon RX 570 4 GB PULSE Video Card ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Focus G ATX Mid Tower Case ($52.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520 W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($66.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Depends what you're looking for.
The Edge Wifi is a doubled 4phase VRM, IIRC.....

The Gigabyte Aorus Elite is a doubled 6phase and $10 cheaper. The WIFI board is $210

HOWEVER, unless you need a specific X570 feature (pretty much PCIe Gen4).... Then ~$200 puts you in the pricepoint of some of the best X470 boards:
  • the ASRock Taichi. Forgoes 10GB NiC and surface mount power/reset found on the Taichi Ultimate, but otherwise the same
  • ASUS Crosshair VII - it's more expensive, so doesn't quite meet your "at the pricepoint" question.... but a very good board.
Both of those boards support flashing the BIOS without CPU/RAM installed, so if required, can be updated to support the 3000 series CPUs.

What is the 10gb NiC? is that broadband speed? or speed of data xfers on the board?
Well first of all the MSI board is using the high end X570 chipset while the Azrock board is using the lower end B450 chipset. The x570 board will have better future interoperability as well as better rear IO and more expansion slots. However if you do not need those features you do not need to overpay so if you are planning for 16gb of ram and a single GPU the much cheaper AZRock board has all you need
I would reconsider getting a MSi mobo... MSi has cut corners on their VRM design which YouTube videos show the VRM hits temps of 100+ degrees (or 40 degrees higher than the better boards) which causes the CPU to throttle its speeds. VRM design is extremely important with the new Ryzen CPUs because of their high current draw.

Just search for Hardware Unboxed X.570 motherboard videos on YouTube. They are eye-opening... (sad to say, I have a mid-tier MSi MPG Gaming Carbon Pro Wi-Fi motherboard which has one of the poorer VRM designs)
I would reconsider getting a MSi mobo... MSi has cut corners on their VRM design which YouTube videos show the VRM hits temps of 100+ degrees (or 40 degrees higher than the better boards) which causes the CPU to throttle its speeds. VRM design is extremely important with the new Ryzen CPUs because of their high current draw.

Just search for Hardware Unboxed X.570 motherboard videos on YouTube. They are eye-opening... (sad to say, I have a mid-tier MSi MPG Gaming Carbon Pro Wi-Fi motherboard which has one of the poorer VRM designs)

What would you consider a better option from the MSI mobo? I do need a board that is upgradeable so thats why I was leaning towards the MSI but honestly i have little knwoledge of gaming boards and this is more of a business computer than gaming rig since its for photoshop primarily.
Major difference is the asrock is mATX and the msi is ATX. That's going to possibly change case choices, definitely change fan header options and make the use of hubs/splitters more of a need than a luxury.

Unless msi has suddenly decided to change up their VRM's, they (and gigabyte) were using a considerably higher grade mosfet than most other board vendors.

That's a shame.
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I have the MSi X570 MPG Gaming Pro Carbon... It's okay but it does run pretty hot when pushed. Would I buy it knowing all the thermal issues with the 3900X? No... I would have bought a different board with lower thermals.
MSi appears to have cut corners on their VRMs which run at extremely high temps when used with the higher powered AMD Ryzen CPUs... I would look at a different board maker (and I have a MSi board and it does run extremely hot)...
It's a $500 cpu. Personally I think it a little obnoxious to be pairing an expensive, hi wattage, hi core cpu like a 3900x with a budget oriented motherboard. Be like putting a i9 9900k on a budget Z390 and wondering why the cpu was choking.

Cpus like that belong on enthusiast grade mobo's, not consumer grade. There is a difference.
It's a $500 cpu. Personally I think it a little obnoxious to be pairing an expensive, hi wattage, hi core cpu like a 3900x with a budget oriented motherboard. Be like putting a i9 9900k on a budget Z390 and wondering why the cpu was choking.

Cpus like that belong on enthusiast grade mobo's, not consumer grade. There is a difference.

No, its a Ryzen 5 3600.
I would not do a B450 Asus board. First off, you need a previous gen CPU, to update the bios, for a 3600 to work. Secondly, Asus has been having some issues, with getting stable/reliable bios updates, since the Ryzen 3000 launch, on older boards. A low end x570 is fine, with the 3600. Massive amounts of VRM are only a big deal for overclocking, and probably if using something like a 3900x. Frankly overclocking is a waste of time, with Ryzen 3000. Just enable PBO, slap a decent cooler on it, and leave it alone. A budget air cooler, like a Deepcool gammax 400, or GT, or the latest hyper 212 version, is plenty, for a 3600.
I was talking about the videos, reviewers using a 3900x on a $200 budget X570 mobo. Once you moved into the $350+ enthusiasts class mobo's, nobody had temp issues.

I wish that was the case... I bought the MSi X.570 MPG Gaming Carbon Pro Wi-Fi motherboard which is their mid-tier mobo (the Godlike is too expensive @ $700 and the stupid ACE only had four SATA ports, I needed a minimum of five) so the Carbon was my next choice.