What's bottlenecking my GTX 1060 6GB??


Sep 7, 2018
Hi guys, I just got a Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, but I get framedrops in games to below 50 fps on best quality (I play fortnite mostly) and feel like there's a CPU bottleneck, or maybe the RAM. FPS wont increase when I lower quality. I'm trying to spend as little as possible to have the GTX 1060 functioning as good as possible. It would be great to get everything running for under 150$ for CPU, and to change motherboard and RAM if necessary (or preferably to keep). I live in Colombia, so it would be great if the suggested components would be available here, or can be shipped internationally. As for a CPU, I was checking out a Ryzen 3 1200, which costs about 125$ here. I can't find the socket, but I believe the socket of my motherboard is 1155. I have also seen this deal for RAMs (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Original-Kingston-HyperX-FURY-Memoria-Memory-DIMM-DDR3-4GB-8GB-1866MHz-RAM-240-Pin-SDRAM-4/32628665916.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.7.5cb533c1VWyO5e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_10547_10546_10059_5015415_10548_5015315_10696_100031_10084_10083_10103_451_10618_452_10307_5016115_5016015,searchweb201603_55,ppcSwitch_7&algo_expid=a6eddbba-f502-4353-a5a2-9c6e1083192a-0&algo_pvid=a6eddbba-f502-4353-a5a2-9c6e1083192a&transAbTest=ae803_2&priceBeautifyAB=0)
It would be great to be able to add rams to my existing ones, I know it's already weird that they're from different brands but if theres a possibility to keep using these, or at least the Kingston one which is a little bit newer than the crucial (they're both old), it would be great.

I have the following specs.

Motherboard MSI MS-7758 motherboard
CPU Intel i5 3350P 3.1GHz
GPU MSI Nvidia GTX 1060
RAM 1x Crucial 4GB DDR3 CT5126BA160BJ.C8 PC3-12800(800MHz)
1x Kingston 4GB DDR3 KHX1600C9D3/4GX PC3-12800 (800MHz)
PSU Aerocool VX-600 600W (Bought last week)
SSD 125GB Sandisk (with windows)

I feel like I'm not getting the max from my GTX 1060.

Approximate Purchase Date: within 2 weeks
Budget Range: 200$ total, the less the better
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Studying
Are you buying a monitor: In the near future I will buy (as cheap as possible) a 1920x1080p 144Hz monitor, and the system should also definitely be able to support this.
Parts to Upgrade: CPU (under 100$), motherboard(under 70$)/ram if necessary.
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Any with international shipping
Location: Medellin, Colombia
Parts Preferences: No brand preference
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Additional Comments: I would like to spend as little as possible, but have a great setup. I don't mind having an older CPU/motherboard and DDR3 Ram, if my setup can still function great.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I feel like I'm not getting the max out of my GTX 1060 while gaming.

Thank you guys in advance.

PS I have a very old DVD rom drive. Could this be slowing down my PC?
What is the make and model of your PSU? How old is it? I wouldn't bring it in proximity with your investments if it's built sub par or worse, an expensive paper weight.

here's my listing:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 1200 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($93.40 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($55.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Team - T-Force Vulcan 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($85.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $235.36
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-09-07 04:08 EDT-0400
Thanks for your quick response, and your suggestions.
The PSU is an Aerocool VX-600 that I just bought last week, so I think that shouldn't be the problem.
Is 8 GB RAM enough to get the max out of my GPU? Also, do you know if it's better to have 2x 4GB or 1x 8GB?

Thank you. So if my 2x 4GB is enough, does that means my CPU is the problem? Wouldnt it be cheaper to buy a better 1155 socket CPU in that case, and just replace it with mine and keep the other components.? Or is the difference between DDR3 and DDR4 really that significant?

Hi guys, I just got a Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, but I get framedrops in games to below 50 fps on best quality (I play fortnite mostly)
Open task manager > performance > CPU > right click graph > change > logical. Play fortnite for a few minutes, see if they get maxed. If it does, it's the CPU.

Look at the other graphs too. Like memory/disk.
Wouldnt it be cheaper to buy a better 1155 socket CPU in that case, and just replace it with mine and keep the other components.?
If you insist on upgrading, you could buy a used 3570K/3770K and overclock it since you have a Z motherboard.
Thanks again for your help. I dont insist on upgrading at all, I just want everything to feel smooth, spending preferably no money at all. No bottleneck etc.

I just expect a game like Fortnite to have more than 60 fps at all times and situations, having bought a 1060 6GB this week.

CPU is above 75% at all time, when I look around fast ingame goes up to 92-95% sometimes, but I'd say the average is around 85-88%

CPU: 85-88%
Memory: About 80%
Disk 0 (SSD): 100% (!)
Disk 1 (HDD): 0%
GPU: About 75% average

Disk 0 (SSD 125GB) is being used 100%, and disk 1 is being used 0%. What does this mean? Could this be the problem? My HDD is very old, but I bought the SSD just a couple weeks ago.
Fortnite is on my SSD. Could it be that I have to install on my HDD?

As you can notice I'm fairly new to this, sorry if some of my questions are obvious.

EDIT: Now the disc doesn't have that high of a percentage, but CPU is around 92%. I'll make a video, I think that'll be clearer.
Also, the GPU seems maxed out with CPU around 70% and RAM 86% in the main menu.

I hope you or anybody reading can make sense out of this information.

CPU: 85-88%
Memory: About 80%
GPU: About 75% average
They are keeping up but barely, especially the CPU as you said it goes above 90%.
Disk 0 (SSD): 100% (!)
This seems to be the problem/bottleneck. Is the game/windows updating something? Is it downloading something? SSD shouldn't get maxed 100% while gaming unless something is happening.
the GPU seems maxed out
Try lowering the graphics by one level instead of playing on max. Test again. If SSD isn't the issue, I suspect CPU.
Hi Raouf,

I've been trying all day to upload a video to youtube, where I show the usage while gaming.
In the main menu, CPU is around 70%, Disks are 0%, memory 58%, and GPU 100%.
In game, I get around 50-80 fps with 100% CPU, GPU and Disk (SSD) usage, 1920x1080 Max settings.
I lowered the settings to medium, without changing the resolution, and the FPS didn't increase.
Both CPU and GPU seem maxed out, together with Disk 0 (SSD).
The SSD Usage might be because of me recording. As soon as I shut down the recording and quit the game, it game back down to >5%.


This is the link but it's not finished uploading yet. Will be up in a few I hope. Either way, I described what happened with the memory usage in the video.

I hope you can make sense out of this.

Thanks a lot.

Your CPU is certainly a bottle neck but its not that bad.I have the same one in my system. it could be that you are using two different types of ram. Even if they are the same feq and pin count it can cause some issues. Make sure you are running the correct drivers for the 1060.

Thanks for your response.
I'm not sure, the memory usage seems fine, on par with what it's supposed to be I guess. Already running the correct drivers for the 1060. I don't want to invest money in new memory, only to find out that it keeps performing below expected.


UserBenchmarks: Game 62%, Desk 50%, Work 33%
CPU: Intel Core i5-3350P - 60.7%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-6GB - 71.9%
SSD: Sandisk PLUS 120 GB 120GB - 32.1%
HDD: WD Blue 500GB (2008) - 64.9%
RAM: Unknown CT51264BA160BJ.C8 Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 8GB - 53.5%
MBD: MSI B75A-G43 (MS-7758)

It seems like the SSD is the problem. It might be 125GB, but it's pretty new, I just bought it a couple months ago. It's the Sandisk 125 Gb.

Also, I finally was able to upload the video so you can check it out.


What I don't understand is, why would GPU usage be 100% in the main menu?

I just checked the usage % again without recording. GPU 85% in main menu.
In game: CPU 85%+
Memory 85%
Disk 0 SSD 60%
Disk 1 HDD 5%
GPU 90%

So these are the averages of my ingame play without recording.

My problem is that it won't stay above 60fps on max settings! Or it's not possible with this GPU to get 100% out of fortnite? I really thought id would be possible.

On the website you told me, I saw that 75% of the people with my hardware plays on max settings and gets an average of 104 fps.


I changed the SSD and HDD SATA ports, (HDD was connected to SATA 2, now both to SATA 3).
I get these results now.

UserBenchmarks: Game 64%, Desk 52%, Work 34%
CPU: Intel Core i5-3350P - 63.1%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-6GB - 72.8%
SSD: Sandisk PLUS 120 GB 120GB - 42.9%
HDD: WD Blue 500GB (2008) - 64.5%
RAM: Unknown CT51264BA160BJ.C8 Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 8GB - 55.6%
MBD: MSI B75A-G43 (MS-7758)

Basically the Boot score isn't that low anymore.
I watched several benchmarks. 1060 can handle high but it barely handles epic (max) setting with good CPU. You might wanna adjust some settings.
Base clock 3.1 GHz, turbo 3.1 GHz (avg)
Your CPU should turbo to 3.30GHz. Do have it enabled from BIOS?
Also, did you overclock 1060 6GB?
As for the video, I can't watch it now. Have to wait for midnight for the speed to recover.
No and no, I don't know a lot about overclocking and haven't tried it. Should I boost it? Or overclock GPU?

I didn't read every response, so apologies for any repetition.

It appears you are using over 80% of your SSD, which could be causing major slowdowns. You should have the vast majority of your games on the HDD. If this is an issue due to space left on HDD, you should then buy a HDD with more space.


this is my setup for example:

SATA 0 - SSD (BOOT - 30 GB / 500GB Used)
SATA 1 - SSD (Programs - 40GB / 120 GB Used)
SATA 2 - HDD (GAMES - 1 TB / 6TB Used)
SATA 3 - HDD (GAMES - 0TB / 6TB Used)

Having this setup allows your game to have a dedicated drive to load from, vastly increasing performance. It's better to buy more space than you need, this also helps keep your system responsive. I usually install 1 TB drives into computers so people have trouble slowing them down.

Thanks a lot for your tip. I did have the game on the SSD because I thought it would load faster. Will change it now. Thanks.

You're welcome. I hope it solves your problem. If you do have some money to spare, I recommend a Western Digital Black Performance drive. They have up to 6 TB, and have read/write speeds that reach about 250 MB/s. Remember, small drives tend to have worse performance than larger ones, even those of the same model! This is especially apparent in SSDs.
No and no, I don't know a lot about overclocking and haven't tried it. Should I boost it? Or overclock GPU?
Enable CPU turbo from BIOS. It's built in. Should reduce CPU bottleneck.
GPU overclock:http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-3780453/graphics-card-voltage.html#21300452
As for SSD performance, it's 2-4 times faster in Seq and 20 times faster in random 4k. Theoretically, installing on the HDD should make it worse. But I'm open to ideas.
Thanks a lot for all your help. I'm reading on internet that CPU is boosted without having to do anything.
I will try the GPU overclock. Either way, I'm going to buy a new mobo/cpu/ram.

Thanks again.

Do u have an opinion on what to upgrade to, if I'd want to upgrade CPU together with my RAM and motherboard? I'd like to be able to use an 144hz monitor in the near future with the setup.
(I also posted a new topic)

I'm reading on internet that CPU is boosted without having to do anything.
Your userbench said turbo @ 3.1GHz instead of 3.3GHz so I thought you might have had it disabled. It can be done through BIOS.

Also for your upgrade, I recommend a 6/8 core CPU to be more future proof. Even Intel is launching more cores now. If you buy 4 cores, you might outlast it fast.

If you are gaming, you need to remember that PC settings and TV settings are not the same.
1080p is not the same. I have a GXT 1060 SC 6GB. When gaming, I have the following settings :

16:10 ratio
1680 x 1050

I finds that the 1680 x 1050 runs better on a PC, than 1900 x 1080p.

1680 x 1050 is the highest setting for PC.

1680 x 1050 brings utter realism when playing Rising Storm 2, on Ultra setting.

1900 x 1080 looks like crap compared.

Make sure all your Nvidia favor Quality.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Will try this out.