[SOLVED] What's causing these screen glitches?

Aug 7, 2020
Why is my screen glitching (pixelating small green/purple squares) when my computer is at idle. I also see 2 vertical lines at start up?

My monitor pixelates for approximately 30 seconds. Then goes to a black screen. Lastly, the monitor loses connection with the desktop and goes to sleep since there’s no connection. The desktop is still running while all of this is happening. I have to hold on the power button to turn off the computer. And when I turn it back on the same thing happens.. I am not a computer expert by any means. So any information will help.

Asus Z87-A motherboard
Radeon HD7950 graphics card
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Thank you for the response. Let me know if you resolve the issue. This sucks because I can’t do anything on the computer without it pixelating then going black.. I think it’s the gpu but who knows.
Hey I bought a super cheep graphics card a few days ago that arrived in the mail today, and it showed no issues so on my end it's the previous card. This graphics card is nothing really powerful, just a low end 1gb graphics card that was $10, and was only really for testing my PC. Now that I know it's the graphics card I contacted the company that manufactured my graphics card, and am still waiting for there response to see what to do next. I'd suggest following simaler things I did. You can find these low end graphics cards if you...
Same this is happening with me. I think for me it's the graphics card, because a screenshot of Windows does'int show the issue, but a picture of the monitor does.
I don't have any help to give because I'm trying to find a solution. Maybe while waiting contact tech support of the brand of graphics card, or motherboard you're using.
Same this is happening with me. I think for me it's the graphics card, because a screenshot of Windows does'int show the issue, but a picture of the monitor does.
I don't have any help to give because I'm trying to find a solution. Maybe while waiting contact tech support of the brand of graphics card, or motherboard you're using.
Same this is happening with me. I think for me it's the graphics card, because a screenshot of Windows does'int show the issue, but a picture of the monitor does.
I don't have any help to give because I'm trying to find a solution. Maybe while waiting contact tech support of the brand of graphics card, or motherboard you're using.
Thank you for the response. Let me know if you resolve the issue. This sucks because I can’t do anything on the computer without it pixelating then going black.. I think it’s the gpu but who knows.
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Thank you for the response. Let me know if you resolve the issue. This sucks because I can’t do anything on the computer without it pixelating then going black.. I think it’s the gpu but who knows.
I will. I'm currently using my phone for this forum which is slow compared to on a keyboard. My troubleshooting setup is this mess of 3 different pcs with the bottom being the one with issues.

View: http://imgur.com/a/npPl6Ih
Thank you for the response. Let me know if you resolve the issue. This sucks because I can’t do anything on the computer without it pixelating then going black.. I think it’s the gpu but who knows.
Hey I bought a super cheep graphics card a few days ago that arrived in the mail today, and it showed no issues so on my end it's the previous card. This graphics card is nothing really powerful, just a low end 1gb graphics card that was $10, and was only really for testing my PC. Now that I know it's the graphics card I contacted the company that manufactured my graphics card, and am still waiting for there response to see what to do next. I'd suggest following simaler things I did. You can find these low end graphics cards if you don't know anyone to borrow one from off eBay for $5 to $10 for one simaler to mine, in fact here's the exact one I got. The listing says theres more than 10 available: https://www.ebay.com/itm/AMD-Radeon...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
Hey I bought a super cheep graphics card a few days ago that arrived in the mail today, and it showed no issues so on my end it's the previous card. This graphics card is nothing really powerful, just a low end 1gb graphics card that was $10, and was only really for testing my PC. Now that I know it's the graphics card I contacted the company that manufactured my graphics card, and am still waiting for there response to see what to do next. I'd suggest following simaler things I did. You can find these low end graphics cards if you don't know anyone to borrow one from off eBay for $5 to $10 for one simaler to mine, in fact here's the exact one I got. The listing says theres more than 10 available: https://www.ebay.com/itm/AMD-Radeon-DisplayPort-Video-Graphics-Card-109-C33457-00-NJ0D3/224121520250?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
I figured out my gpu was the problem. My motherboard supports graphics. Therefore I Removed the graphics card and noticed that the problem was gone.. Once I placed the graphics card back in the slot on the motherboard. My monitor would not receive any signal from the gpu. so the gpu is the problem. I also reformatted my computer to see if it was a hardware issue etc. I appreciate your response.
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I figured out my gpu was the problem. My motherboard supports graphics. Therefore I Removed the graphics card and noticed that the problem was gone.. Once I placed the graphics card back in the slot on the motherboard. My monitor would not receive any signal from the gpu. so the gpu is the problem. I also reformatted my computer to see if it was a hardware issue etc. I appreciate your response.
I always try to respond back with questions and help like this. I personally have tried very hard to try and trouble shoot the gfx card with the issues, but could'int get it working. People told me to try turning the overclocking down, and I did that as I remembered I used to change that setting, and power usage from normal, to highest for gaming on more demanding games, which worked, until the card obvious had enough. The card could be at least from 2015 or later, I don't know. All I know is it was replacing the card that was in there to be up for sale which was when I bought it, and that seller sold the card in there formally that he used seperatlly I guess because that card was WAY more wanted for it's power than this one, even if this one did do pretty well for it's self, it was just the VR benchmark it had issues on, and had planned to upgrade it to a VR ready one since I got this PC. The PC works as it should ignoring the gfx card.

If you want to see what my issue was like, check out the forum post I did asking for help on this issue. The help people there could maybe help you that could'int help me, like one guy told me to go in the Radeon settings to lower the settings, but I can't with that one as it black screens after the loading screen on Windows, and Safe mode does'int show Radeon driver software there, just in regular use. I can at least boot in the OS now and use it until I upgrade the card, but am unable to play most these newer, demanding games meanwhile. 🙁 https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/glitches-always-show-on-amd-pc.3637381/