What's the best Best PSU for upcoming PC gaming build.

George Mooey

Nov 13, 2014
I'm very new to building a pc and have a strict budget that ranges from 500-520. Anything vastly above that is just simply outside my budget and way too much.
A nice person on this forum recommended a build to me for the specific games I play along with using Photoshop to draw for occupation purposes.
The PSU he recommended was about 35-40 bucks about 2 days ago but recently spiked to the price of 65 bucks with 20 dollar rebate. I simply cannot afford this and would like to look for a cheaper but effective PSU for my system. If you'd like to criticize the the rest of the build, feel free to while keeping my budget in mind. Thanks in advice 😀

The price range I posted is simply the best I can afford currently and this is based on me planning to buy the parts on cyber monday. I cannot go that much higher unfortunately. Is there really no other alternative?

if you say so :/ then how about lowering the price on other parts of my build? The games i really play normally are Tera online and League of legends (although I run league fairly well on my crappy toshiba laptop, so im sure a gaming rig wont have issues with it). Im also looking to play other games if i do get a gaming rig, like Ultra street fighter 4, Nidhogg, Evil within, DMC4, etc.

thanks for being patient with me! Im just really looking to play these games well on a pc, meaning no major FPS drops and so on and at least near max settings. doesnt have to be max settings efficient but it would be nice if they were.

Ah, Austin videos are always helpful! I actually was thinking of using his video as a build but wasnt too confident without getting a second opinion! Thanks for the info. Also, quick question. is it best to wait till black friday/cyber monday to get this stuff or what?