What's the Best Cheap CPU Fan For Overclocking

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Jul 9, 2016
Hi I'm looking to overclock my i7-920 but I'm worried about doing it with the stock fan I do have 7 fans running that are on my case but I really need a better cpu cooler, I had a look at the hyper 212 evo and x but I'm just wondering if there is anything better, also do I have to take my mobo out to install a new fan?
If anyone can reply thank you so much!
I think you'd be very happy with either mate,& no not worth buying a i7 950/960 at all - your 920 will hit 3.2ghz without even blinking.

That 780ti is an hard privce to ignore if its guarantedd good condition,how much would a 970 cost you over that??
With those temps I think the gammaxx 300 will do the job as long as you're not expecting extreme overclocks.
The main benefit is the extreme ease of fitting.

If you're happy enough changing the backplate then I still wouldn't recommend the 212 series simply because the gammaxx 400 both outperforms them slightly & is a LOT cheaper.


980ti vs 1060?
980ti is considerably stronger, uses twice as much power though & is surely much more expensive??

If you have the PSU to run one ,600w+, & they're similar priced then the choice is yours.
I'd argue that for1080p 60htz though the 1060 is enough.

After all this talk of overclocking, never thought to ask what your motherboard model is ??


My mobo is a gigabyte ga-ex58-ud5 and I was just told by a guy that I've bought a PC off before ( he builds) that a 1060 would bottle neck my i7-920 even if I overclocked so I'm confused, I'm still gonna get a better CPU cooler but will it bottleneck that severely and he also told me that I was better off with a 3gb gtx780???

Your board is an excellent one,seen reports of people puching 4.4ghz with a 920/930 (albeit d0 stepping cpu's)
Absolutely go with the gammaxx 400 mate,theres nothing that will touch it at that pricepoint.

I have no idea what the fella is on about,I cant think of a singular good reason to buy a 3gb 780 from 2 generations ago apart from if you find one dirt cheap!

The only card Id consider that isnt from a new amd or nvidia range is the gtx 970 & it would have to be a very good price at that.
Id maybe just take a 970 over a rx 470 or a 1060 3gb,you are absolutel viable pairing that old 920 (even if you can only push 3.3-3/5ghz) with a new gpu upto the 1060 or rx 480.
So long as your expectations are 60fps at very high or maybe ultra settings depending on title.
Ignore talk of bottlenecks unless you are running a 100htz+ screen & are expecting 100fps+ all the time.


guys done a few benches with a 920@4ghz & a 3gb 1060, same motherboard as you too.

97% gpu usage,60% or so cpu usage - theres no bottlenecking there at all imo ( the low cpu usage is simply because that 920 has 8 threads & usage is split between them) - youll never see 100% usage on an 8 thread i7 while gaming.

at 4ghz youre probably looking at it being the equivalent of a i7 3770 or similar


Yeah see I'm not trying to get 100htz and 100fps, I just want a good solid card to play stuff like Arma 3 and dayz with, I'm probably gonna go with a 970 now that you mention it, would a 780ti be worth, I could get one for 175-200$ aud!

Would it be wise to get an i7 950/960

Would it be wise to get an i7 950/960

that has to be second hand ??
If your happy buying an older gen second hand & youre aware of the pitfalls - which are mainly power consumption & temps ( & also than nvidia have a nasty habit of not including older gen cards in newer driver releases) then the 780ti is still going to perform well.
Youre essentially talking 780ti = gtx 970 = gtx 1060 3gb performance wise but the newer gens are cooler running & draw far far less power.


It is second hand it's a gigabyte wind force 780ti oc and I'm pretty sure I'm better off with going with a 970 and the gammaxx 400, what would you think would be the smartest for me?
I think you'd be very happy with either mate,& no not worth buying a i7 950/960 at all - your 920 will hit 3.2ghz without even blinking.

That 780ti is an hard privce to ignore if its guarantedd good condition,how much would a 970 cost you over that??

The 970 is like 60 bucks more
970 second hand too??
What model is it??

What Karadjgne says is absolutely spot on.

The 970 is ever so slightly stronger & generally uses close to 100w less at full tilt.

Worth $60 more ?? Yes if it's a comparable aftermarket model due to the above & also the fact its going to be at least a year to 18 months newer & likely had less use.

Yeah I'm probably gonna go with the 970 thanks for that, I always thought the 780ti was stronger

It's brand new on eBay and the price is about 200$ au to 300$ au

I can get a 4gb evga 970 for 300au
^ the issue there is that once you get over the $350 mark you are very very close to 1060 6gb prices (maybe the lower tier single fan evga & palit/gainward models) & the 1060 is to put it simply - a stronger card.

Don't get me wrong , the exoc black is an excellent 970, everything about it is quality, from the steel backplate to the aluminium shroud & ultra quiet fans (its the card I own myself & I do rate it highly - top 5 maybe of all non- enthusiast models) & its sheer over clock ability.

If the looks & all that are important & it appeals to you on that level then it won't disappoint at all but you are paying a premium price IMO.

Be also aware it takes 6+8 pin power cables so you're PSU has to be up to par.