What's the safe range of temperature of I5 4440 haswell?


Sep 20, 2014
i am using I5 4440 and the idle average temp is about 41-45C and 61~66 C when gaming, checked by Open hardware(Might not be accurate)
Is this range safe?Because my pc is stay at my room and my room is quite hot when i close the door.
Looks fine, but is this on a stock cooler? My CPU runs at about 35°C on idle and 58°C to 69°C while gaming with my CPU running at stock and hyperthreading turned on with an aftermarket cooler. I used to have an issue with my room being hotter than the rest of the house on my previous CPU running at 81°C under load, but the issue is not as bad anymore. Try using a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO if the warm temps are getting to you.

Whoa... how did you hyperthread an i5?

It is a stock cooler

No, I'm running an i7-4790k, silly.

Oh haha, we're talking about the i5-4440 and you said "mine." Whatever, lol.

To the OP: Those temps are high, but they are still safe. I would recommend picking yourself up a Hyper 212 EVO or a TX3 and that will keep it down.


Sorry, I meant my CPU. lol


have no money to upgrade a new cooler, but still thanks for answering.

When I run Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool my idle temps are 40°C and after stress test it records around 59°C. Here is a temp difference of 19°C. Once a difference came around only 6°C(42°C to 48°C on full stress) and 9°C. But maximum times the difference is around 15°C . Is that normal for my brand new i5 4440 CPU? My room temp is very hot and humid..around 31-32°C.