what's the use of 144hz monitor?


Mar 26, 2017
Hi guys!

I've been wondering for a while, what's really the use of a 144hz monitor when 60fps is a perfect framerate (in my eyes, at least). I might just not understand because I don't know a lot about the inner workings of monitors, though.

Anyway, please let me know!

That's the thing - you may think 60 FPS is perfect, until you see 144 FPS. now, this is coming from someone who hasn't even seen 60 FPS much, so take it for what it is. But everyone says you don't see the stuttering in 60 FPS until you see 144 FPS, and once you see 144 FPS, going back to 60 FPS seems like quite a downgrade. So 144 Hz monitors allows you to play at 144 FPS, which is apparently smoother and more responsive than 60 FPS, especially for competitive...

That's the thing - you may think 60 FPS is perfect, until you see 144 FPS. now, this is coming from someone who hasn't even seen 60 FPS much, so take it for what it is. But everyone says you don't see the stuttering in 60 FPS until you see 144 FPS, and once you see 144 FPS, going back to 60 FPS seems like quite a downgrade. So 144 Hz monitors allows you to play at 144 FPS, which is apparently smoother and more responsive than 60 FPS, especially for competitive games like CS: GO, Overwatch, etc.

So 144 Hz monitors essentially makes games smoother, provided your hardware can run run games at such high FPS, of course.
what he said, so if you get 144hz you better not go back. personally nothin wrong with 60 fps and 60hz screens or lower are much more common. tvs for example tvs and if you watch something like youtube on your really fast monitor it'll still be a best 60fps (1080p) and half that for 720 and lower (i believe)

Maybe it's because my eyes are getting older, but I have played on a 144hz 1080p monitor, until I upgraded a 75hz 1440p monitor. I didn't notice the difference. Another cause might be because I don't overly concentrate. I understand competitive gamer concentrate a lot, and do see the stuttering.