Question What's this strange black stuff on gpu backside?

Mar 30, 2020
I've bought used gpu, owner said this strange goo was applied in hardware service where he bought his pc. Gpu seems to work ok
Evidence of a significantly over-heated processor on the GPU itself. Does that thing even work?
It doesn't seem to have come from within gpu. i managed to clean some of that stuff off with brute force, everything underneeth is fine. As i said, card works fine, had no issues in it even with stress testing, and temps didn't get higher than 80 degrees C
"Intact" doesn't necessarily mean "undamaged". It's not like the PCB, resistors, capacitors or diodes are just going to melt. They will fail internally, or discolor, or simply die of fatigue, and there may or may not be any external signs other than potentially discoloring, which by the way is clearly what you see on the top of the GPU itself. That card has been SEVERELY overheated and while it may "work" as you say, there can be very little doubt that that card is seriously done haddit.