At the ripe old age of 51, I've gotten to see my country decay, and I am utterly saddened, horrified, and furious. Oldmangamer, it is sad just how correct you are; how corrupt this society has become. Worse, most of the "fixes" are self-evident, as is the reason they will never be implemented by the parasites to whom we have ceded too much power. I am very glad to see the TSA is finally getting the attention it deserves, and hopefully won't last much longer.
Tens of thousands of Americans did not go ashore at Normandy for the likes of Barrack Hussein 0bama. Bastogne wasn't held so Parasite Clinton could get head there.
Ah well. It will get worse, a lot worse, before it gets better, BUT, because our ideals are in our people, not our government, America may stumble badly, but it will not fall. If his goal was to be the Last President of the United States, I am confident that 0bama will fail; he seems good at failure.