I'm really liking it so far. It plays fine on my sig spec at max settings 1440p DSR. This is one Unreal Engine game that needs no file tweaking, looks very good out of the box. Performance is really smooth. It's so smooth that this is one game I can play without my glasses. I generally only wear my glasses when playing games, but it looks fine and feels comfortable to my eyes without them.
I'm playing on the default difficulty, and for me, it doesn't feel too easy (or too hard once you get the hang of it). They nailed the manual saber deflect, it has to be timed right, yet isn't too hard and is rewarding. I'm having a bit of trouble using the Evade Kick ability I bought, but the tutorial shows it being used against creatures low to the ground vs humans, so it may be limited to that.
The ability menu is pretty good size though, and there are a lot of animations Cal does before even buying any abilities depending how he and the enemy are positioned. It all feels pretty natural too. At the same time you can't let your timing and reactions slip, it's definitely not automatic cheesy stuff, even on Default difficulty. Nothing troublesome once you get in the flow though.
There's lots of exploring and puzzle navigating in this game, and it goes well beyond just the wall running/climbing, and ledge traversing shown in the trailer. There's times you will stop and wonder/realize if you need to probably progress further through the game to acquire more abilities, then come back to Great Divide to unlock more things.
There's lots of collectibles to find that change the look of your clothes and light saber. I also really love the look of dark caves, as you can hold the saber above you to light the way. Everything looks as good graphically in caves as outdoors, and the outdoor natural environment looks pretty good too. Everything from loading docks to ship interiors looks great as well.
BD 1 is adorable, not just the droid itself, but how he behaves in scenes. He definitely feels like a main character. I haven't gotten to any of the tough enemies yet, as I took some time off with original Gears of War and finally not only got it properly installed and logged into GfWL on W10 1903, but am managing to run it at 4K DSR with a file edit bumping Detail Mode up from 2 to 5. I'm also running Nvidia Sharpen at 50%. I have to say it looks incredible.
Anyway, regarding JFO, so far I can do nothing but highly recommend it!
BTW, anyone know how to remove the round, orange subscribe button in the upper left of embedded YT videos? This seems to be something new they added, and I don't like it cluttering the image for those whom view them in the viewer vs full screen.