Question Problem with 1.1 display port cable


Apr 23, 2016
So i recently bought display port cable ver 1.1 and the display port on the monitor is 1.2 while the display port on the GPU is 1.4 and i have this problem where my monitor loses signal for a second and it comes back could it be the 1.1 display port cable i had no problem with the other display port cable who was version 1.2 but it was short so i had to change it because i placed my desktop on the ground so i needed a bigger cable.I am using dual monitor setup
thank you
so test with a new 1.2 cable
I think i found the problem i believe that when i connect the smart tv to my computer through hdmi cable one of my monitors loses signal i deleted the graphic card driver with ddu i reinstalled the driver and i have connected just my two monitors without my smart tv and everything is fine for the past 1 hour my screen doesn't goes black on and off.
So i have this weird problem where when i connect my smart tv through hdmi with my pc one of my monitors loses signal for a second and it comes back, it gets black screen for second and it comes back, both of my monitors are connected through display port on my pc.So what could be the reason for this behaviour.Could there be conflict between display port cable and hdmi cable and the fact that these are monitors and this is smart tv so that creates a conflict in the communication?Both of my monitors are the same type of monitors they are asus
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which gpu are you using?
gpu drivers up to date?
bios of the motherboard up to date as well?
Everything is up to date the gpu the motherboard the bios the chipset drivers every single thing is up to date this is happening when i connect my tv to my pc with hdmi along with my two monitors when i connect just my two monitors everything is fine no lose cables or anything btw.When i connect just my smart tv or just my two monitors there is no problem miscommunication happens when i connect all three of them.
Once all 3 are plugged in and the screen flicker, do all 3 work or does the second monitor stay off?

I could just be windows figuring out the order of screens. An easy way to see is right click on the desktop and go to display settings and see how the screens are numbered, then plug the TV in and see if the second monitor number changes.
Once all 3 are plugged in and the screen flicker, do all 3 work or does the second monitor stay off?

I could just be windows figuring out the order of screens. An easy way to see is right click on the desktop and go to display settings and see how the screens are numbered, then plug the TV in and see if the second monitor number changes.
My monitors also flicker when i disconnect my tv from my pc so i had to reinstall the gpu driver with ddu and connect just my two monitors in order for things to get back to normal so i think is the smart tv that causes the problem.
I run 4 monitors at work, if i unplug one the other 3 go crazy turning on and off for a few seconds and the screen lineup is all wrong. Once i plug the 4th back in the all flicker for a few seconds and the original layout goes back to how its suppose to.
I run 4 monitors at work, if i unplug one the other 3 go crazy turning on and off for a few seconds and the screen lineup is all wrong. Once i plug the 4th back in the all flicker for a few seconds and the original layout goes back to how its suppose to.
Yes but this is two monitors and one smart tv big difference in resolutions big difference in model and big difference in type one is monitor the other tv
What are the make and model of your graphics card, monitors, and TV
I replaced the cable of my monitor with display port cable 1.4 and everything works perfect no more black screen flickers or monitor instability it ended up being the display port cable the version was 1.1 and my monitor display port is 1.2 while my gpu port is 1.4 so 1.1 was too out of date i should have bought at least 1.2 so i went to the store and replaced it with 1.4 just to be sure and everything works fine.
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