I isanez Reputable May 3, 2014 1 0 4,510 May 3, 2014 #1 How can I override this? , the laptop is just a month old
dodger46 Splendid Nov 19, 2011 4,837 2 24,960 May 4, 2014 #2 isanez : How can I override this? , the laptop is just a month old Does it show the Toshiba Logo first, or just go straight to the black screen? Are you able to access BIOS? (Usually by tapping F2 after Power Button). If BIOS available then you could run a diagnostic on your HDD booting from a USB drive, black screen and cursor usually means HDD failure http://www.computerforums.org/forums/articles-computer-server-software/how-create-bootable-usb-disk-seagate-seatools-dos-220196.html Upvote 0 Downvote
isanez : How can I override this? , the laptop is just a month old Does it show the Toshiba Logo first, or just go straight to the black screen? Are you able to access BIOS? (Usually by tapping F2 after Power Button). If BIOS available then you could run a diagnostic on your HDD booting from a USB drive, black screen and cursor usually means HDD failure http://www.computerforums.org/forums/articles-computer-server-software/how-create-bootable-usb-disk-seagate-seatools-dos-220196.html