N Newf633 Reputable Jan 16, 2015 4 0 4,510 Jan 16, 2015 #1 My computer was down loading updates and it keeps rebooting at 3of 3 at0% and will not go into safe mood,anything I can do.
My computer was down loading updates and it keeps rebooting at 3of 3 at0% and will not go into safe mood,anything I can do.
Solution Nikos K Jan 16, 2015 Newf633 : No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it Maybe this http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbysymptom/a/windows-update-frozen.htm can help
Newf633 : No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it Maybe this http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbysymptom/a/windows-update-frozen.htm can help
Nikos K Reputable Nov 12, 2014 222 0 4,710 Jan 16, 2015 #2 Did you unplug it from the power point when installing the updates? Upvote 0 Downvote
N Newf633 Reputable Jan 16, 2015 4 0 4,510 Jan 16, 2015 #3 No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it Upvote 0 Downvote
No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it
Nikos K Reputable Nov 12, 2014 222 0 4,710 Jan 16, 2015 Solution #4 Newf633 : No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it Maybe this http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbysymptom/a/windows-update-frozen.htm can help Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Newf633 : No,I did not unplug it,I never came across this before with up loading up dates,it like it is stuck in that spot and can't get by it Maybe this http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbysymptom/a/windows-update-frozen.htm can help