Question When the fan lights are turned on, my PC resets ?


Jan 24, 2019
I was cleaning my pc and had to unscrew the fans to clean the radiator, but now when i re-assemble it , the pc boots fine and everything works, but when the fan lights are turned on, my pc resets. It doesnt reset instantly, only after a while when the fans has been turned on (i use RGB Fusion for this) for awhile (1-5 minutes~) it resets. There is no bluescreen, almost like a power cut off, im not good at electrical stuff so if anyone could help with this id be glad!
make sure all fans' connections are firmly and properly in place.
if it uses a fan hub, also make sure all connections to/from this are too.
i have checked several times, no dice. I was cleaning it bc my pc was crashing when i was playing games after awhile, i thought it mightve been dirty, but its still resetting. Maybe this could also relate? This pc is abt 5 years old now
For curiosity, try using CPU-z and run a stress test, while also watching HW Monitor software to check temps and fans and leave lights off. Just Curious??
I did some stress tests on OCCT and it managed to pass them individually, but when doing a combined test of

CPU + RAM: High priority, large extreme variable AVX2
Memory: Above normal priority, 90% , AVX2
3D Standard: High priority, 3 Complexity, 100%
VRAM: Normal Priority, 90%

My pc crashes basically as the test starts, im thinking it is a power issue? These are at stock settings after loading optimised defaults in BIOS