When they say different boards OC Differently, Believe it!


Feb 9, 2008
Hello again, I am sure by now you have seen me around! Well, I have a bunch of motherboards, and like the title says, they OC a lot differently. I have an Asus p5n32-sli, a XFX 780i tri-sli, a P5k-e wifi, a m3a32-mvp and a Maximus Formula. Thats a few, right?

Anywho, the p5k-e wifi is by far the best board! Its the least expensive of them all. Thats always good, no need for a pci slot wifi adapter, because the one on board functions quite well, I was surprised. The Vdroop is minimal at normal voltages, but shows up at about 1.6000 in the BIOS, its about .02 up till then, then it jumps to .05-07 the higher ya go. But, its very easy to get it going, had a q6600 g0 @3.8 with x 8 multi so I could sync the ram at 950. So 1900 fsb. (475) Which was quite fast! (3.6 took 5 mins, and was nice and cool with that puny Vdroop.)

The p5n32e-sli sucked like most 680i's do, and could only get a fsb of like 320ish, any higher and no boot, period. It'd boot and bomb at 1485 for some reason, but it booted... almost! 2.88 was the stablest OC, so lame!

The 780i is alot better than the 680i, but its build sees only 2.75 gigs of ram, so that blows! To OC is a bit harder, because it has a .06 v droop, which makes me have to set the VCore up like 4 extra notches so it doesnt droop into a BSOD! So as a result, less speed and hotter cores. That part blows. But for those of you who want SLI, it OCs to 3.6 easily! (But 3.8 was off limits due to heat as a result of that extra 4 notches of VCore.) The board itself runs hot, and they just have to confuse you with all new names for stuff. North bridge? Whats that now, MCP? SPP? How about HT nForce SPP <-> MCP: ?? BUT... 1600 via x 9 multi = 3.6, so PC6400 users are right on sync.

The Maximus Formula? Well, its very own ASUS updater seems to know how to erase a BIOS just fine. It just had a lil trouble writing a new one. And since asus had to weld it on, back to the shop it goes for the 10 day service. Where its been for over 30 days. Just to get a bios. Because they had to attach it onto the MoBo.

The m3a32-MVP... well now. I'll get on to that when I Like AMD! ;) If anyone knows anything about OCing amd chips, please feel free to leave a message at the beep! I have a Phenom 9500 for it...

Soooo. P5k-e wifi version all the way around! And my water cooler fit on it. the other board, 780i has weird square power thingies near the processor socket that prevents the rather large CPU water block from pressing firmly against the CPU. Took me a min to figure out what it kept shutting off after 10 seconds or so! When I hurried into the Bios, the CPU was at like 100+ c... glad it really does power off, even with all the cpu features disabled, I powered it up like 10 times to test if I got the cooler on it right... didnt blow up! I mostly used a b3 and g0 q6600 for testing, and toughpower 700 watt minimum for power. 850 for sli junk!

Anyway, thats just me blabbing! Interesting to note, though we all kinda know it anyways: the newer more expensive boards sure are sensitive! Weird random things happen... like my dlink dual antenna network card. The bios instals memory addressing and irqs for 31 of em, when I plug in the one. (780i of course) So windows freaks out when it tries to install drivers for 31 exact same network cards... that are well, the exact same one! Freeze...

Yeah, yeah, see ya!



Jan 2, 2008
Asus updater has been known to erase the bios and this is why they recommend asus ez flash instead. Maximus is a great board, it just runs a little hot due to the X38 chipset.


Feb 9, 2008
Thats what I am hoping. While the p5k-e is great, I am hoping that the maximus formula can compare to it... because so far, I am very tempted to make the p5k-e my 64 bit system, if only because that 1900 FSB was pretty easy to get to, and seemed stable! (My water fits on the socket of the p5k-e too... and doesnt on my 780i, which means my OC is limited.

As far as benching the boards... I guess I could do that! Its pretty simple to pop all the parts out of one, and toss em in the other. I guess that would at least show what board is getting better results at the same speed.

Let me know what tests would be better... as in, comprehensive! Since I am some what new... i dunno what tests stand out... as far as Bench marking goes!!



Feb 9, 2008
Yippie! My Formula maximus just got mailed from ASUS today! That means I should have it on tuesday!! Hopefully they placed the newest Bios on it, and I dont have to do it again!!

I will let ya know what I come up with on it.

I did find a flaw of sorts with the p5k-e. When you set the Bios VCore to 1.6000 all is well, and its 1.49 in windows. BUT... in seeking a lil more voltage, I noticed that it leaps past 1.5-1.59 in windows, and hits 1.60!!

So from 1.6000 in the bios to 1.6125 or whatever the next single step up is, the damn thing leaps to show all of the voltage in windows. So from 1.49 to 1.6 in windows is waaaaayyy to much voltage for my 3.8 OC! But if I could get that single notch worth of voltage... then I could get where I wanted!!
