When to RMA: should i glue parts? Refund or Replace?


Aug 2, 2012
I just got my Rosewill challenger from UPS guy( 40$ with promo code), great case for a total beginner noob like me. The are broken parts though: the screws( those plastic ones that if you apply pressure they pop in holes) for the front panel are broken, but can be easily glued. I took the front panel off and the plastic mouth-like screws were stuck in the holes, making it very easy for the panel to open, even if its closed on the right side.
Im planning on buying an i5 3750k, GEFORCE 670, basically mid-high gaming pc: it's a great case for beginner, but since I never built a pc and the parts are expensive should I get a better case??

If I glue them back can I have problems when the case is built, or am I better of RMAing it right away from Newegg? This is the first hw component I bought, never opened a case In my life lol
You can request an RMA but you could probably also negotiate a discount for accepting damaged goods to avoid shipping the damaged case back, which would be cheaper for both you and NewEgg.
The case was only 40$ with promocode so it's already cheap, not sure if glue would do since the plastic pressure screw can prob still come off with super glue.
Maybe I'm better of returning it since I Stupidly bought the case without knowing really what components I'm going to buy.
For what it's worth, I have the Challenger case with the USB 3.0 ports on the front. If you don't plan on moving the case around a lot, gluing the parts would probably be fine. Newegg, on the other hand, has a habit of paying shipping both ways, so it'll be worth at least chatting with them, first. :)

Yea I had a chat and they are refunding me the entire price without applying the promo code, meaning im getting 10$ more lol.
Still It looks like a solid case and great for a total beginner like me. I'm still considering what parts to buy( sub 2000$ build) so the parts are expensive, don't know if a more expensive case is more reliable? what do you think judging from your experience with the product?