Where do these plugs go?!!?! Need help ASAP


May 2, 2012
Hello, as I am typing this, i am building a new PC from scratch. I have everything in, except for my disk drive and my hard drive. After putting in my 400W Diablotek PSU, I plugged in the 24 pin connector, and then 4 pin connector to my MOBO. Now, I am left with 3 different sets of cables that are zip tied into three groups from my psu. Here, I will break them down. Here is a picture of them. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cables+coming+from+the+psu&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1C1CHNV_enUS356&biw=1366&bih=653&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=ZA0QEoeNeteIRM:&imgrefurl=http://www.computer-hardware-explained.com/computer-power-supply.html&docid=Obqn3HTk5WwO7M&imgurl=http://www.computer-hardware-explained.com/images/computer-power-cables-labeled-2.jpg&w=411&h=294&ei=a4e9T_r-HcaliQK_3ZnIDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=735&sig=108411192237883136336&page=1&tbnh=103&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:93&tx=88&ty=44/url

Set 1: 2 SATA power cables with a 4 pin periphrial power cable

Set 2: 2 4 pin periphrial power cables, 1 floppy drive power cable.

Set 3: Same as set 1, with 2 Sata power cables and a 4 pin periphrial power cable.

Again, the disk drive and hard drive are not in yet, everything else is. I have the 24 pin and the 4 pin power cables plugged into the mobo. So any help would be appreciated. Thanks
The SATA ports would go into the Hard Drive and CD/DVD drive, but depending on how old your hardware is, the Molex (fat cables with 4 pins) will be used instead of SATA.

As for any extras, if they aren't used, there is no need for them.
Lol sounds good haha. So I have all the 4 pin periphrials not in use, 2 sata power cables not in use, and one floppy cable not in use. So im really just using the 2 sata power cables from the psu for my hard drive and disk drive, zip tie the rest and call it a day?

Not quite obsolete, they're still required for peripherals such as water cooling systems or if your case has a front fan controller, for example. You can also plug in adapters and run your case fans directly off the PSU.

Oh, I know... just thought I'd mention it.

Trying to make out what's that in your pic, lol... that a bear with paper hat? Oh nevermind... a frog's head?