The thing is that i dont have a cpu_opt nor i dont have any more psu power sata cables availible in my mobo i have 1 cpu fan header with the radiator fan header. 2 system fan that i dont know the usage. 1 cpu led strip and 1 rgb led stip header. My question is the pump i dont want to start my pc and miss the correct header and burn my cpu
You cant burn your CPU, there are safeties, the computer will shut off before that happens.
SATA power comes from the Power Supply not the Mobo. Unless you have a bunch of HDD/SSDs there should be a free SAT power cable or two.
If for whatever reason you don't have a free SATA power I would put the Pump on the CPU_Fan header (encase the pump fails the computer will detect 0 RPM, like a air...