Where is everyone.

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pat mcgroin

Nov 21, 2007
I dont really have any religous points to make but I saw that this section was requested a few days ago.
My up bringing taught me that when you ask for something you should use it.
It isnt religous but courteous.
Besides I wanted to be the first to post in a section.
Atheist. No one religion has convinced me.

I do however believe that if a religion encourages people to live good lives then it's not all bad, but people who kill over religion spoil it for the rest!

Not to the fact that the majority of the major catholics in history were based on violent actions of death, prostitution, extortion, rape, pillage and sex has nothing to do with it and the church carrying on that a lot of priests were in fact paedophiles raping.

Or to the fact that dead babies bodies were found in monastries due to the marriage to god of nuns being celebate.

What i do believe in is mother nature, the right and wrong, the ying and yang if you like and the belief in the paranomral - ghosts and aliens.

any thing else is a convenient mind controlling system which makes money for others, other than the people who follow, not for its real purpose which is peace and harmony amoungst human beings regardless of race, creed and gender.

If I was God , I would have moved to the next planet long ago and given up - when George Bush came in

This thread has been touched by his noodily appendage

I share that view with you too. I've had people in my family experience paranormal instances in their lives and it is pretty damn scary of what they told me so I definitely believe in the spirit world.

As for aliens, I think we are not alone in the universe. Each of us are a tiny insignificant part in a vast solar system, which is part of many solar systems and stars that lies within our galaxy. And among those galaxies, there are billion of other galaxies in our universe. Just by the concept of sheer probability alone and the vastness of space, there has to be other life out there. We are not that special to be alone. I really hope in our lifetime, we will witness first contact. -goose bumps- 😛
I am an Objectivist, which is a philosophy, not a religion. Personal belief is fine, but Organized Religion is the worst scourge that mankind has ever wrought upon itself. Catholicism in particular comes to mind. Osama bin Towel's brand of Islam is small potatoes by comparison.
I have found the talks given at www.bswa.org among the least objectionable I have heard, however. I particularly liked the one about revealed vs. realized religion.
Religion is such a non issue that it does not deserve even a second thought, I mean when it comes down to it, what reason do people have to believe in anything.

Ignorance, a few thousand year old suspect writings and a desire to maintain preferential social hierarchy's.

That, my friend, would be the flying spaghetti monster.

Personally, I'm an atheist Jew. I like the culture, holidays, food, etc. but I don't believe in god, I don't pray, and I don't follow most Jewish "laws" (such as Kosher, not driving on the sabbath, etc.). I attended orthodox Jewish school for a period as a kid, and my classmates made fun of me because I wasn't as religious as them. That experience, as well as a frustration towards having religion stuffed down my throat for so many years as a child, led me to develop a strong distaste for god, prayer, and many teachings of Judaism.

I still consider myself Jewish, as I like the holidays and culture (and the food), but I don't believe that one has to live according to a religion in order to be a good, moral, honest person. I try to be tolerant and respectful of other people's religious beliefs; I'm totally fine with religion as long as people don't try to stuff their beliefs down other people's throats, or use religion as an excuse for things such as terrorist attacks, etc. I'm all in favor of a seperation between church and state; one group and their religious beliefs should not dictate how everyone else can live their lives.

*rant over
Well to me it looks like mutated testicals which is fed up with life and wants to go to Disneyland.

I cant believe that some one gave you jip because you werent that religious angry_ducky ( still cant stop laughing at the word ducky), when i was school if you were religious you got jip for that.

Anyhow God does exist because he created a Silver Thunderbird, Harley Davidson's and Angelina Jolie, Oreo Cookies, Hagendaz Ice Cream, Commodore Amigas and Reliant Robins for a joke.

On Aliens.

There is just no way that we are alone, no matter what anyone says and there is more than one "other species" in the space around out solar system. Period.

Regardless or not our future is space exploration.

Same here. I never really found the point of religion. I don't find any other creature paying to a god. They go where life takes them. I do the same.

I share your thoughts. Regardless of whether or not we ever find them, the universe is just so vast that there must be life elsewhere in it.

One thing that I find truly humbling, and almost frightening is the sheer vastness of the universe. Other life out in the universe might be so far away that, by the time we could reach them, life on earth could be over. When you begin thinking in light-years, the few thousand years of recorded human history seem so inconsequential.
There are some pretty interesting points made above.
I actually find myself right in the middle of them.
I believe in religous not religion.
You can belive in who or what you want but as Milez states
"I do however believe that if a religion encourages people to live good lives then it's not all bad, but people who kill over religion spoil it for the rest!"

And as Hellboy wrote :

What i do believe in is mother nature, the right and wrong, the ying and yang if you like and the belief in the paranomral - ghosts and aliens.

any thing else is a convenient mind controlling system which makes money for others, other than the people who follow, not for its real purpose which is peace and harmony amoungst human beings regardless of race, creed and gender.

I dont understand the entire religion setup.
One church will have you do things such as fasting, and another church will have you not eat meat, and yet others think that it is ok to have Holy Wars where a lot of people die, all in the name of religion.
A religous person would be against that.


Maybe the reason that you are alive!!! and just by looking all around you, whether we were created humans or we evolved from some unicellular creature, the creation of life is "perfect"(biologically speaking) and I think that is ignorant not to believe in "God" (or however you'll call him)
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