Hellboy :
looks like a mutated male sterial operation accident.
That, my friend, would be the flying spaghetti monster.
Personally, I'm an atheist Jew. I like the culture, holidays, food, etc. but I don't believe in god, I don't pray, and I don't follow most Jewish "laws" (such as Kosher, not driving on the sabbath, etc.). I attended orthodox Jewish school for a period as a kid, and my classmates made fun of me
because I wasn't as religious as them. That experience, as well as a frustration towards having religion stuffed down my throat for so many years as a child, led me to develop a strong distaste for god, prayer, and many teachings of Judaism.
I still consider myself Jewish, as I like the holidays and culture (and the food), but I don't believe that one has to live according to a religion in order to be a good, moral, honest person. I try to be tolerant and respectful of other people's religious beliefs; I'm totally fine with religion as long as people don't try to stuff their beliefs down other people's throats, or use religion as an excuse for things such as terrorist attacks, etc. I'm all in favor of a seperation between church and state; one group and their religious beliefs should not dictate how everyone else can live their lives.
*rant over