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Al Qaeda is based on control and has nothing to do with real muslims. Al Qaeda makes its money illegally be it from drugs etc and the muslim issue is a front to try and make all muslims turn against the west which has failed.
Only a few in comparison have been involved in attrocities around the globe.

The Muslim religion is a peacefull as much as true Christianity and true Jews are. Unfortunately there are good and bad in all walks of life.

I'm not trying to change your believing. I'm just giving my point of view. Also if any body wants to go that way and truly believe that creation was an accident then what if the creator was the accident and he created us. There are mysteries in life that we won't be able to answer. By the way it doesn't matter how much you shake a puzzle the thing is not going to put itself together and the whole creation is a giant puzzle with every piece in the right place. That is just the way I see it. You need somebody to put the thing together.
I am your god, kneel before and massage my own noodly appendage!!!

I reckon you haven't had an independant thought in your life and if someone hadn't suggested religion or you had grown up in a society which never mentioned it but taught you how to think properly you would laugh at the suggestion of some mastermind all powerful creator(seriously just think about this).


Just because all boys are humans does not mean that all humans are boys.
Religion? I'm not religious. That's about the most accurate thing I can say as religion is something that doesn't even cross my mind. I guess technically that would be atheism, but a lot of prominent atheists are actually anti-theists. They hate religion and actively work to destroy it in such stupid ways as banning the use of the word "Christmas" and other idiotic publicity stunts. I personally don't care if somebody else is religious. I don't have problems with calling the holiday on December 25th "Christmas" or with people displaying Nativity scenes, praying at the flag pole before school, or refusing to eat pork. It doesn't bother me one bit as long as they don't try to preach to me or get blue laws passed. So I suppose just saying I'm not religious is the most accurate ways to describe my beliefs.

I thought better of my post and edited it a bit.

What cracks me up is that Christmas Day is more near a Pagan Ritual than Jesus's Birthday... Wasnt he really born in October !!!

And Pagan follow witchcraft etc

Just to add to what cracks me up to:
Most holidays now days had drifted far away from what was really celebrated for,

Christmas is for Santa Claus Not Jesus' birthday. Where does a fat man in a red suit fits in the whole story of Jesus birthday?

San Valentine's Day, people don’t even know why we celebrate that. Or who was the guy Yes he was a real person. If you are wondering here is some info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day

Easter Day or Easter Sunday, is suppose to be the day that Jesus was resurrected, 3 days after his crucifixion. What the f%<# a bunny has to do in all of this?

Thanksgiving day, a day to give grace. Today is all about the turkey.

Holidays are commercialize now. Jesus might not sale but Santa brings presents. Crucifixion... naaa!!! a bunny in a egg hunt sells more ***. And so on, so on. You get the point.
I do not believe in a deity as conceived by most religions, yet I am endlessly thankful for the priceless gift of existence.

I do not consider myself religious, yet I marvel in awe at the cosmos and the amazements it has wrought.

I do not believe in heaven as portrayed by organized religion, yet I humbly admit that my ignorance of the boundless possibilities of the universe is incalculably greater than my knowledge.

I place little faith in anyone who claims to have all the answers.

Christmas is a celebration/commemoration of Jesus' birth, not his actual birthday. It would be like celebrating Independence Day on August 28th because you don't know the actual day.

I am with the Spagetti Monster ...

Pike and SS ... shouldn't we encourage MugZ to set us all straight on this matter?

Or is he still on vacation?

The last time I asked him for advice he called down lightning bolts on me ...
If God was a creation, He was created by man anyways.
Going back as far as we can go with writings for the Judeo-Christians, there were sacrifices to be made, at a time in a world where people died by late thirties, no medicines, little knowledge, and bounty was nature itself, not a new hybridized dna split seed.
So, these people sacrificed heavily, to plaese God. Why? No one was forcing them at that time. No one made anyone follow, but follow they did anyhow. Why? If God is just a man made story, why?
Religion is the greatest scam ever, period. To put the fear of God into someone, so they will stay in line or be good citizens. Religion takes in billions of dollars a year and pays absolutely no taxes, that's a great business model. Is anyone really surprised that pregnancy control is forbidden in most organized religions? Maybe they want to make as many Christians, or Catholics, or Jews as possible. Religion is a clever way to increase your societies numbers, while keeping them in line, with a high level of control, IE the fear of god.
Religion is for the weak. The function of the church was to obtain power and control through fear and the promise of punishment not only in this life but in the afterlife. The church is a vile creation that has done more harm to human kind than they could ever confess and say hail mary to repent for. If your gonna argue that without religion people would not, and are not capable of living peacefull courteous lives with basic moral values then we should be very afraid of any man who "needs" GOD to make him a good person because, what if he realized that god was fake? Would he then throwout all moral values because "hey" NO HELL NO CONSIQUENCE lets rape and steal and murder. If your that weak that you need a god to save you then you are hopeless. EVERY MAN IS GOD, GOD IS IN YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO YOU PRAY TO, BUT YOU FAIL TO SEE THIS AND YOU NEVER ANSWER YOUR OWN PRAYERS. YOU KEEP WAITING FOR HIM TO ARRIVE BUT HE IS ALREADY HERE INSIDE YOUR OWN MIND.
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