Where the F can you get a XFX 4890 Black Edition?


Jul 6, 2006
There has been so much hype, reviews, discussions, ect. regarding the 1ghz 4890's. Where can you even get a 4890 that is factory overclocked that high? Anyone know?

Newegg doesn't have it and if Newegg doesn't have it... FML
That is interesting but its still not the black. Its core clock is only running at 900mhz not the magical 1ghz. I'm talking about this one.

I honestly think there are no 1ghz 4890's that any consumer can get. So how are websites like Tomshardware and Fudzilla reviewing these cards when you cant even get one?
The default clock on the 4890 is 850. The 900MHz versions are binned for higher speeds so that's a conservative clock for them. Generally, cards already running at 950 or over, like the Saphire Toxic at 970, can reach 1GHz, though they run pretty hot 😀.

Wow ok, thanks for the info. I'll be checking up on the Egg daily after the 15th comes around.