I would really love to see real numbers of sold units for all the 5090, 5080, 5070 Ti, 5070, 9070 XT, and 9070 cards. Not guesses and made up BS, but factual numbers. I would be very surprised if AMD actually sold more 9070 series cards than Nvidia did for the 5070 series. But that's just a guess.
My reasoning is simple: Nvidia cards command more demand. They outsell AMD by about 8~10 to one is the general consensus. So Nvidia plans for more demand and creates more GPUs, but it's still completely insufficient.
And the story is basically the same for scalpers. Scalpers are more familiar with Nvidia as a brand, there's higher demand, there's less risk of the cards dropping significantly in price. (Remember that eBay takes about 14%, so you really need cards that you can upsell by 30% or more to make scalping viable.)
What's odd is that Nvidia seemed to ship fewer cards to Micro Center than AMD. Again, though, this is anecdotal and I don't have real numbers. Someone said there were 25 9070 XT cards at their Micro Center for the launch. 25 times 28 locations is only 700 cards, not exactly a massive number considering there were 2300+ 5080 cards at MC for the launch, according to the internet.
But I haven't seen any concrete numbers of Nvidia cards at MC locations for the 5070 Ti and 5070 launches, just the 5080 and 5090 launch. Were there 100 per location? More? Less? 🤷 All I know for sure is that the supply of graphics cards is way behind the demand curve right now, across all segments except for maybe budget $300 cards. And tariffs definitely won't help that get better in the near term.
Buckle up, in other words, as shortages are likely for many months to come.