Where were you?

I was watching on TV at home. I had to go into work.. when I arrived, no one had a clue what was going on. I turned the TVs on in the break room. Management ordered them off so no one would know. About an hour later we were sent home because one of the flights was heading towards our airspace.
At the time I was working for a boat building company and I was in the back of a 50' when the first hit the WTC... I knew it was terrorism and said to a guy next to me "it should be alright a plane flew into the Empire State Building and it survived." The the second one hit... I immediately knew it Osama BinLaden and much to my dismay none of the goat roping rednecks knew who I was talking about. The Pentagon was hit and then in Pennsylvania.........
The plant stopped working and everyone gathered in the break room watching it unravel on TV. I was choking back tears as I watched.... There were women and grown men visibly wiping their eyes.

As the first tower fell, everyone said collectively " Nooooooo!!!!!"

That is when people started crying... Everyone was in tears.

Leaders in the company decided to let everyone go home for the day as no one wanted to work and just stand there in disbelief...

It is a day I will never forget, NEVER!!!

If this 9/11 thread wanders into religious or conspiracy turf I am going to strike with the banhammer as I will have no disrepect given towards the 2996 souls who lost their lives that day for just being in the wrong place.

Moreover please pause for a moment to thank all of the fire, emergency services and police who tried to save others and lost their lives as well.


"In remembering them we salute them". To take time to remember those who lost their lives. Click the link and watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iNc5Rps5fQ


I was finishing up high school when 9/11 happened. I first heard of what happened from a classmate who was goofing off first period in the library which had a handful of computers connected to our super-fast 128k bonded ISDN line and saw the story pop up on AltaVista or some other used-to-be-popular-in-the-90s-but-is-gone-now site. He was a goofball and I thought that he was pranking us. A teacher rolled in a mobile TV/VCR cart and showed us news coverage of what happened shortly after second period without a whole lot of explanation. We were all sort of befuddled as to why everybody was getting worked up at what appeared to just be a bad accident (a plane crashing into the WTC). The news footage of the second plane clearly aiming for and crashing into the second tower was surreal, as were the images of folks jumping out of the buildings. That left us with more questions than answers as to what happened as it was then clear it was intentional, but we had no clue as to who would do this or why as it was so nonsensical and pointless. (Mind you that the USS Cole was blown up shortly before, but that was a military target, not very heavily publicized, and much easier explained than an attack on a purely civilian target.) When we found out what happened in the next few weeks, it very much affected a lot of folks in my generation as we learned what pure evil was. A lot of the guys from my class signed up for the armed forces on graduation and subsequently went over to Iraq and Afghanistan in OIF/OEF. That day was one of the defining moments of my generation. (I consider my generation to be others born in the 1980s as we fall inconveniently in between the end of the Generation X and the beginning of the Generation Y generations.) The other defining moment so far is bearing the brunt of the Lost Decade of the 2000s and the Great Recession from 2009 to the present where we are the first generation to see that the American Dream is dead. The Baby Boomers who called us murderers fighting an illegal war should have hauled their fat diabetic asses out to the middle of BFE to try to keep their country safe rather than sit out a second time and disparage those who went over. God forbid anything possibly affect the Social Security and Medicare that they pay 30 cents on the dollar for what they receive...
I only remember this french minister who said: today we are all americans. He wanted us to wear an american flag on our shirts.
And everybody says "in your dreams". (But not for lack of compassion.)

I also remember that many young Muslims began to venerate Osama without really knowing who he was, but just to show how they were "rebels" (and stupid).
Since these events, these Muslims systematically put opposition therefore there is a conflict between an Arab and a Western countries.
I was driving to work and listening to the radio. Initial reports were that a twin-engine plane hit one of the towers. I immediately knew something was wrong because any pilot worth a lick would ditch that plane in the Hudson or even somewhere on the ground rather than hitting a tower. Surprisingly, I instantly thought of Bin Laden since he tried to bring the towers down in 1993, I believe it was.

When I got to work our CEO made an announcement that it was business as usual and if we were spending time looking up stories rather than doing our work we would be fired. Oh well, I looked anyway. At first you could find all sorts of breaking news stories, but the weird thing is that a couple of hours later nearly every story was taken down from the internet.

Other than the complete shock and sadness of what happened, what struck me as the most odd was that for four days no planes took off from the airport. I lived in the direct flight path of a major FedEx hub, so not hearing their DC-10s at all was almost surreal.
The sad thing now is the level of suspicion.

I work for a US Oil and Gas company and we are always very alert about unusual behaviour in our work areas.

I escorted two people out of the building who didn't have smartbadges in the last month when they tried to cross the secure work areas (innocently) we are in - and only today a guy rocked up with three laptop bags in the lifts (a repair guy) but we wouldn't let him go anywhere until security came and escorted him to the IT department after checking the stuff.

We are deadly serious about security.

Thats the hangover for me from 911 ... plus the travel anxiety.


I don't actually work for Google. I briefly worked for OLPC, but we had conferences at Google. As a dumb product tester I wasn't supposed to attend, but there was free pizza and a 5th level tyre swing.

Free pizza could almost be worth the tasering!

this is my forum. So only story's of 9/11 or you can create your own.

I think you'll find the forum is owned by the Bestofmedia Group
Kind of a depressing follow up.... I remember the first kid to die from my school serving overseas, it was probably 2003 maybe 2004. I knew a "war" was going on but its a very abstract idea until you see it.

He was 3-4 years older than me, his brother was in my grade. He signed up after after high school and died in his first tour, clearing houses (Or some such I was never really sure what the story was vs what high school kids could think of).
I was working as a cable TV/internet installer for Comcast when at a customers house I had just finished connecting up the TV and the customer called me back inside to tell me that something was happening and I remember going back in to see the TV screen showing the tower on fire and the second plane hit.
I remember feeling strange that I was watching something that made no sense because the first plane could be considered a horrible accident of some kind but the second plane now made it a terrorist attack.

Watching the towers fall was a sickening helpless feeling.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way but for the first few seconds I wondered if I was watching a trailer for a new Blair Witch type docudrama type movie.