Which 144hz to buy?


Jul 13, 2013
Im buying a shop near me here is the shop link.


Please suggest me the best one you can find there. Its hard to find other products in the philippines so please dont suggest other monitor. Prices are on PHP(50PHP = 1USD).

My budget is around 15,000PHP which is around 300USD. but im thinking if i should buy the XG27VQ or the XB241h for like 25,000 then postpone my GPU for next month. But i think thats too much for me so im still thinking but im leaning towards the viewsonic XG2402 at 15,000PHP.

You dont need a curved screen if its that size really. And anything BenQ or Asus of 15000 on that website are great screens.

Found BenQ Zowie 24in XL2411 in their website what can you say about it?
If you have an AMD GPU, then don't get the XB241H as gsync only works with Nvidia. It will be hard getting a monitor with gsync for $300 USD. So the XB241H is probably your only option. Gsync is great at lower fps. Keeps things very smooth. So I think it is worth the money, particularly because you will keep a monitor longer than most of your other components. So I am no a fan of skimping on the monitor.

If you have an AMD card then it will benefit from Freesync. Which is what the XG27VQ has.

I would also consider this monitor with your current budget. It is a 27" and has free sync. Even if you don't have an AMD card, it will pair nicely with a good midrange GPU.



I dont have a BenQ Zowie I have another model of theirs. And Im satisfied. But this is for competitive gaming so you need to watch put G sync; Free sync, Dont worry about response times so much. You dont have to cheap out on it, but I think that 300 USD is enough even tho you will use it for 5+ years with no problems. You shouldnt overextend on the budget when you have it. I made that mistake, and I regretted it.

A gsync monitor may be out of your price range. I agree with the above, you don't need a curved screen with that screen size. It is just a gimmick.

I would either save for the XB241H because that is probably your cheapest option to get into a gsync monitor or I would go with this viewsonic.


I really dont mind getting a non gsync monitor because its kinda pricey. also is amd cards so i wont be using freesync too.]

Is gsync really that good for me to buy the Acer XB241H than the viewsonic one?

also do you think i should but this http://dynaquestpc.com/product/viewsonic-24-xg2402-144hz-freesync-full-hd-2-hdmi-dp-vesa-speaker/
instead of the 27" viewsonic you suggested?

The 24" viewsonic is perfectly fine. For me, I like the 27" screen and the addition of free sync may be something that down the road will benefit you if you go with an AMD card.

I like gsync, but that does not mean it is worth the premium. In the end, if you can afford it, go for it, if not, you will still have a good experience.

The 24" also has freesync. Im buying a 1060 now but if the prices go down ill buy a 580 or newer amd to utilize the freesync. the acer cost 200$ more but its also 24" but it only has gsync. i think im going viewsonic 24 or 27.

is there any difference between the 24 or 27 viewsonic.

EDIT : i compared the two and 24 is much newer, and looks neat and cost a little lower.but found some reviews about screen bleeding. but i dont think that will happen to me.