which Brand of GTX 660ti would be best


Feb 10, 2012
I plan to be buying a build very soon and I have almost everything picked out except for the of 660ti I should go with.

My original build had the MSI, but with a recent sale I'm considering a switch. The Price difference is minimal to the point that I can buy either one and it won't set me back. I would just like to know which one is better overall, or if they're close in power the advantages of the other.

The Cards in question are:

MSI: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127696

EVGA: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130837

Also I've read about MSI overvolting their GPU's? Is that still an issue?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
If you are at all hesitant about the longevity of the MSI model then buy the EVGA SuperClocked 2GB version.
It will run games almost exactly the same, but MSI might get an extra 2 fps. They both seem to run at same temps, but
I believe the EVGA design kicks hot air out of the case whereas the MSI model just blows it around.

My vote...EVGA SuperClocked. although MSI is quieter.
a. EVGA is slightly better, not only in the speeds, but I have had both an MSi and EVGA 560ti, the MSi one failed within half a year, and my EVGA is still going strong.

b. Overvolting a GPU usually isn't an issue, but when done in excess, it both raises the temperature and shortens the lifespan of the GPU. A 5-10% overvolt is ok, but past 10% is dangerous.
If you are at all hesitant about the longevity of the MSI model then buy the EVGA SuperClocked 2GB version.
It will run games almost exactly the same, but MSI might get an extra 2 fps. They both seem to run at same temps, but
I believe the EVGA design kicks hot air out of the case whereas the MSI model just blows it around.

My vote...EVGA SuperClocked. although MSI is quieter.
thank you all for your input, it's become obvious to me that they very close in performance and it's mostly up to the individual preference.
After looking at some comparisons, I will probably be going with MSI.

again, thank you all, I never expected such a fast response, this community really is amazing.

I'm looking to buy the Asus card and from the reviews atleast on newegg there seems to be a problem with the temps on the card, and requiring removal of the heatsink for reapplication of the thermal paste. Is this still an issue? and Will I have to reapply the thermal paste?


I wouldn't be worried about it. In website reviews the Asus model does very well and Asus has a good reputation. Also, it's a new card so you get a warranty with it. Go ahead and buy it.