Which card(s), how many or what type of monitor?

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Sep 7, 2015
I'm in the works of building a new rig. It's time to bury the gtx770ti and join the future of pc gaming.

I currently have a computer on the drawing board which has lots of great hardware and a liquid cooling system as well as powerful fans and lots of airflow. Nothing is built yet...so I need help choosing the last 2 things.

I need a graphics card or cards.... i was originally thinking of the gtx 960.... but other forums suggest 970.

I also need to know how to run a triple screen setup if at all based on the card. I've never used more than 1 screen and I read about how much better it is to use 3. I don't know too much about the IPS (unless you mean klingon ships in Star Trek) or TN (unless you mean Tennessee) or what brands of monitor to choose. .. I've been using my Sony 46" bravia.

Please help me TomsHardware you're my only hope!
The r9 390 is more powerful than the 970 for around the same cost. Also regarding the 3 monitors, it doesn't make too big of difference in shooters and those kind of games, but it makes simulators a much more enjoyable experience. The brands of monitors don't matter too much as long as they are name brand and the three that you choose should be the same size and resolution, preferably the same model.

I have a 3 monitor setup with 3 mismatched monitors and it is still a great experience. My two side monitors are 21'' monitors and the middle is a 27'' monitor and it looks okay, but I would like form them to be the same size.

When selecting a monitor decide what resolution you want your monitors. 1080p on each monitor is probably the...

What do you think about this case :: NZXT Phantom 530 (White) ATX Full Tower Case ::

Update: I do like the Second Monitor you posted. Thinner Bezel seems to look better when Multi Screen Gaming... I saw videos of people opening up their monitors to thin down the Bezels for Multi Screen Gaming.

Question.. if you could, would you do 3 Portrait Screen Setup or 3 Landscape Screen Setup?
would you recommend upgraded Case Fans? I feel that if I'm already spending this much on a PC that I should make it somewhat flashy... What is a good recommendation if any for a Case Fan for the Phantom 530 case above? I think changing the one in the back would be fine, the Large fan in the front seems ok as is, but I might like an LED style Case Fan.
The stock cade fans are fine, but LED ones look good. Corsair makes good LED fans they are a little pricey at 25 a pop I think, but they look cool. It's their Airflow series I think.

Update: My personal choice of cases would be the Corsair Air 540 or the NZXT switch 810 or the Define R5 w/ window
I think you just download a program from Microsoft that will make itself an installer on your 8GB or more flash drive and along with it you get a product key. Make sure during the install that it installs to the SSD not the HDD for better boot times. You can easily tell which is which by looking at the capacity in the installer.

EDIT: When you plug in the USB and for some reason the computer says no boot media then mash F12 or F10 when you restart it and then select the USB

Will this come free with the Windows 10 package you added in the build above? And how would I install it to the SSD?
It doesn't include a flash drive if that is what you are asking. The software is free though.
Installing to the SSD can be done 2 ways.
1. Unplug the HDD so it can only install to the SSD (foolproof method)
2. Select where to install somewhere during the install process and select the 250GB one.
So with some Tweaking, (not much, just a new case and some LED case fans)... I have it set up to be able to add more in the future. I've not decided on an Optical Drive, but if you said there are external versions, I'll check those out when I need one.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor ($378.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: NZXT Kraken X61 106.1 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($114.99 @ B&H)
Motherboard: Asus X99-A/USB 3.1 ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($254.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($113.63 @ Mac Mall)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($97.84 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($68.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 980 4GB FTW ACX 2.0 Video Card ($499.99 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT Phantom 630 Windowed Edition (White) ATX Full Tower Case ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($117.99 @ NCIX US)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM (64-bit) ($89.75 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: NZXT Air Flow Series 83.6 CFM 140mm Fan ($15.19 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: NZXT FZ-200mm LED 103.0 CFM 200mm Fan ($20.37 @ Amazon)
Total: $1912.61
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-09 04:11 EDT-0400

Do you know where I can get the software to put Windows onto a Flashdrive? Also Would I need to use my current PC to do it? I wish I knew the right questions to ask so I can just google it.. but I am not turning up much in relevant results.

*Update* Found a guide on Microsoft, they allow you to download a Media Creation Tool. How would I know if my device is 64 or 32 bit? The guide is very unhelpful.
I have yet to install windows 10 through directly installing and not just updating, but in the direct update program there was a feature to install to a usb stick. I can probably dig up a link somewhere if you need it. Also you do need to do this step on any Windows based PC. You should just use your current one to do this.

The build looks fine and I assume you have checked that the fans that you want to replace are indeed 140mm and 200mm.

I feel very proud of my phone typing skills. I was able to write this whole thing in under a minute....

Your PC is 64 bit. 64 bit is basically for any computer with 4 or more GB of RAM

The Fans I chose are the exact same sizes the Case provides.

About the Windows thing..> I've been checking for a Step By Step Guide... I'll need to figure this out before I start Assembling the new rig. I won't be building this rig for a little while. I'm waiting for some funds in the near future.
I could give you my phone or email through PM and I will gladly walk you through it when the time comes. There are also lots of guides on how to do this exact step too.

Your PC is 64 bit.

I can PM you when I've received all the parts, and have a working copy of Windows in a USB, and then we can set up a means of communication from there... I may try to film this on my GoPro for something to put on Youtube.. My first PC, as Collaborated with AC130 😀
On the Which type of installation do you want? page, select Custom.

On the Where do you want to install Windows? page, select the partition that you want, select the formatting option you want to perform (if needed), and then follow the instructions.

When you've finished formatting, select Next.

Follow the rest of the setup instructions to finish installing Windows.

:: This is copied from the Windows guide in regards to your post about having to select the SSD drive to install Windows into :: you should be given an option to chose the partition you wish to install to. I don't think i'll have to undo the HDD for this 😀

Well... Off to bed for now. I've selected you as the best answer for this thread. I just hope I can find a cheap *Thin Bevel* Monitor in which they have 3 of, so that I can start prepping for that.
Awesome. I will do that. Do you want me to pm like the moment i place the parts on order or when they start arriving? I can't guarantee when or what order the stuff will come. I can't order anything until the end of the month anyway.

Yes but not necessary.

I have asked earlier whether IPS or TN mattered. I've also just come back from Best Buy, but I have no Idea what type of Connectors I would need to hook up a Triple Screen Setup... There are VGA, DPI-I, DPI-D, Component, and that strange DP symbol one which I don't remember what it stands for. I read in some forums about something that needs to be Active?

If all 3 Monitors somehow come with a combination of HDMI, VGA, and DPI setups, could I mix and match those? I have no idea. This is where I would be making the mistake of buying the wrong components to fit everything together.

Best Buy is not a computer store - they sell computer shaped objects that break down easily and a few laptops and tablets, but their main foray is home theater - the people there will most likely have zero clue what you're talking about. For a triple monitor setup you can only have three connectors per card. The DVI cables can only work with one being plugged into DVI-D (dual link) or DVI-I (single link). The other cables would be plugged into the display port which requires a dongle to make work, or HDMI.

Also one of the reasons I wanted a Professional to build my PC was because of all the programming of the BIOS, and Installing Windows from a computer with no OS at the time of manufacture. I don't want to mess up my computer by mucking up the BIOS and setting up the SATA Drives and all that... the tutorials on Youtube most likely won't be using my setup and so I can't follow along when they get to the Programming part.

Cyberpower won't do that for you. If you want to do anything beyond basic settings (such as overclocking) you're on your own there. Once your PC powers on successfully installing the operating system isn't that difficult. And no Youtube video is going to do an accurate explanation of your system's BIOS features because all home build systems are unique, no two are identical. What setting works for one will not necessarily work for another.

The reason I would like a Liquid Cooling system is because my house gets pretty hot, I run the AC all day, yet my house never drops below 77 degrees, that coupled with a High Powered PC will spell disaster if I use Air Cooling.

But there's a lot of garbage liquid coolers out there that do not hold a candle to even a basic air cooling system. Do some more research there. A Noctua D14 or even the base model U12 will often provide better airflow than any Corsair H cooler you can buy, or that junk Asetek liquid cooler that comes standard on most Cyberpower PCs. If you set up your airflow correctly you will not have an overheating issue. Buying an NZXT case is a good idea because they have some of the best air flow around but you do not need to buy a bunch of case fans.

Thanks for your assistance. I know I may come off as annoying, but I've never built a computer, and I don't have an experienced person to tutor me as I assemble the mass of parts I'll be looking at.

Believe me $2K is not something you want to spend without knowing what you're getting I get that. :lol:

When you order them.

even if I don't order them in any particular order? Or if shipping is diverse among the 4 or 5 sellers and some parts may come in a week after the first one?

For monitors, I need something affordable, being below 150 for ideal. Between 22-24 inches for optimal pixelation. I've been scouring PCPartsPicker for that kind of monitor but Can't get a good price.
What I may possibly get in regards to Monitors

Asus VX228H 60Hz 21.5" Monitor (PROS:: 1920x1080, 60Hz, 1ms Response, $122, 1 VGA and 2 HDMI Input//CONS:: Big Bezels, Not IPS, no VESA Mount)

Acer H236HLbid 60Hz 23.0" Monitor (PROS:: 1920x1080, 60Hz, 5ms Response, $122, bigger than the ASUS, THIN Bezels, 1xDVI, HDMI, VGA//CONS:: No VESA mount) <-- I may really get this one, it's bang for the buck.
** EDIT** The ACER is now 119.99 from Best Buy, and I can get an "Excellent" Open Box for $100

Not sure yet if there are any other within the 100 to 150 price range that are any better.
Update. As I have said before, I have a desk... i also just ordered 3 Acer H236HLBID. They're a few years old but they meet the criteria for a successful triple monitor setup. LinusTechTips did a triple monitor setup on his channel featuring this monitor. And he used a GTX 700 series card.