Which direction should my CPU cooler intake fan be facing.


Apr 9, 2015
Hi everyone, I have just ordered a new CPU Cooler from Amazon UK because the stock AMD Cooler was loud and when I put the cooler on I messed up a bit and I was getting temps of 60 degrees when idle. The CPU Cooler can be mounted in any direction on Intel CPU's but with AMD you can only position the fan facing up or facing down. Because the fan is an intake fan and pulls cool air towards the heatsink I do not know whether I should position the fan facing up or down. If it is facing down it pulls in hot air from my GPU and if it is facing up it will be exhausting hot air onto my GPU! It's kind of a pick your poison situation and I would love too get some advice from you guys! Thanks!
It'll do the job mate - don't worry about it - I used one on my 6300 for 2 years & it was a solid solid performer - even did fairly well over clocking.

& fan at bottom mate between CPU/GPU.

I think your fans should be facing up because You want to pull the heat away from the heat sink. Also, your GPU will have it's own fans which will just cool down it's own air so that would only effect about 1 or 2 degrees. :)

- Sam

P.S: What other fans do you have? I'd like to see if I can help you out airflow wise.
Thanks for the quick reply! This is the cooler if you want to have a look. They show you the different directions you can mount it if you scroll down http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002G392ZI?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 .

Anyway I only have 1 intake fan at the front of the case as my PC is only a couple of days old but I am planning on buying an exhaust fan and another intake fan.

PS . This is the first thing I have posted and I'm not sure how to properly reply to people's posts :)

WOW! I have that one! What a coincidence. My setup is as follows:

My CPU fan is pushing the air away from the heat sink and the air is traveling strait to my exhaust fan. Here is a photo:

http://imgur.com/HkQqG39 (Photo is from before I got graphics card)

I have to side intake fans, 2 gpu fans, 1 back fan, 1 cpu cooler fan & psu fan.
You should have asked before buying the freezer 7 mate for an amd build - you could have got a zalman cnps5x for £2 less or a raijintek audis for £2 more! Both better buys.

The freezer 7 isn't a bad cooler but that vertical mounting only is a pita.

But yeah fan on the bottom between the CPU/GPU pushing air through the sink towards the top of the case.

Yeah it is a fantastic cooler. Never got higher than 50 degrees even on a hot day like today in south England haha.

- Sam
I have the Sapphire R9 270 and I belive you have the 270x ! Anyway I should have mentioned that my power supply is at the bottom of my case. You have an Intel CPU and you can point the fan in any direction but with AMD you can only point it up or down 🙁

Is that really true? How strange. And that is such a strange coincidence! 😱 I'll have a Google for you.

- Sam
Me too - & yeah its been a hot one today - hopefully the start of summer😉

Kyleb - if amazon hasn't dispatched yet youvxsn cancel mate no problem.

The freezer 7 is OK but this is just so much better
raijintek 0P105246 - Raijintek Aidos Direct Contact CPU Cooler https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00E5YNXWY/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_t8Pjvb1QZ0N7S

& you should be using amd overdrive for temps on an amd CPU mate - always.

It's an AMD Athlon x4 860k. I only spent £370 on this rig
At work still at the minute mate.
Speedfan & hwmonitor temps are unreliable on amd chipsets though anyway - hwinfo64 is more reliable but still not 100%.
You can really only trust amd's own thermal margins via amd overdrive - your Intel temp readings will always be more reliable using 3rd party software - there are 2 temp sensirs in your setup.

Kyleb - swap that cooler for the aidos if you can mate - you honestly don't be disappointed & its only 30p more!!
Matches a lot of 120mm coolers performance wise too.