Question Which drive to install game: "Rust" on ?


Aug 31, 2012
SO quick question. I have 2 seperate SSD drives. I wondering which drive would be better to install a particular game on for better speeds, less load tims, less lag, etc.

I will give the stats here below. The first drive has the O)S installed on it (windows 11) the second drive just has some other games and random crap on it.

Running: Feature Enumeration ''
Run Time 00:00:00.00
Running: Storage Assessment '-ran -read -n 0'
Run Time 00:00:00.20
Running: Storage Assessment '-seq -read -n 0'
Run Time 00:00:01.61
Running: Storage Assessment '-seq -write -drive C:'
Run Time 00:00:00.92
Running: Storage Assessment '-flush -drive C: -seq'
Run Time 00:00:00.17
Running: Storage Assessment '-flush -drive C: -ran'
Run Time 00:00:00.20
Dshow Video Encode Time 0.00000 s
Dshow Video Decode Time 0.00000 s
Media Foundation Decode Time 0.00000 s
Disk Random 16.0 Read 1792.15 MB/s 9.2
Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 3462.17 MB/s 9.3
Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 3111.01 MB/s 9.3
Average Read Time with Sequential Writes 0.037 ms 8.9
Latency: 95th Percentile 0.147 ms 8.9
Latency: Maximum 0.261 ms 8.9
Average Read Time with Random Writes 0.044 ms 8.9
Total Run Time 00:00:03.30


Running: Feature Enumeration ''
Run Time 00:00:00.00
Running: Storage Assessment '-drive d -ran -read'
Run Time 00:00:00.14
Running: Storage Assessment '-drive d -seq -read'
Run Time 00:00:01.47
Running: Storage Assessment '-drive d -seq -write'
Run Time 00:00:00.78
Running: Storage Assessment '-drive d -flush -seq'
Run Time 00:00:00.22
Running: Storage Assessment '-drive d -flush -ran'
Run Time 00:00:00.20
Dshow Video Encode Time 0.00000 s
Dshow Video Decode Time 0.00000 s
Media Foundation Decode Time 0.00000 s
Disk Random 16.0 Read 310.62 MB/s 8.1
Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 2745.48 MB/s 9.2
Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 3249.27 MB/s 9.3
Average Read Time with Sequential Writes 0.024 ms 8.9
Latency: 95th Percentile 0.041 ms 8.9
Latency: Maximum 1.692 ms 8.8
Average Read Time with Random Writes 0.023 ms 8.9
Total Run Time 00:00:02.92

any information would be helpful. ty
Take your pick.
You will detect no difference so far as performance is concerned.

I see...may I ask though, in general which drive seems like it is faster/better?

I mean, I dont know squat about tech specs, but just looking at numbers, it DOES look like the drive C has a faster read/write time

But the 1 stat that I see a pretty big difference in numbers are :

Drive: C (With windows 11 installed on it)
Disk Random 16.0 Read 1792.15 MB/s 9.2

Drive😀 (no OS on it)
Disk Random 16.0 Read 310.62 MB/s 8.1

What exactly does this affect on my PC? Random write speeds, affect what exactly. On a gaming PC, also using for streaming with OBS

As far as the sequential, the speeds seem very prob no real difference there.

Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 3462.17 MB/s 9.3
Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 3111.01 MB/s 9.3

Disk Sequential 64.0 Read 2745.48 MB/s 9.2
Disk Sequential 64.0 Write 3249.27 MB/s 9.3
Do not be much swayed by vendor synthetic SSD benchmarks.
They are done with apps that push the SSD to it's maximum using queue lengths of 30 or so.
Most desktop users will do one or two things at a time, so they will see queue lengths of one or two.
What really counts is the response times, particularly for small random I/O. That is what the os does mostly.
For that, the response times of current SSD's are remarkably similar. And quick. They will be 50X faster than a hard drive.
In sequential operations, they will be 2x faster than a hard drive, perhaps 3x if you have a sata3 interface.
6X with a pcie interface.
Larger SSD's are preferable. They have more nand chips that can be accessed in parallel. Sort of an internal raid-0 if you will.
Also, a SSD will slow down as it approaches full. That is because it will have a harder time finding free nand blocks
to do an update without a read/write operation.
Larger ssd devices have more endurance.

These experts could not tell any difference: