Question Which fans on Kraken X62 with H510 Elite case?


Dec 2, 2019
Hi, everyone,

I'm in the process of buying parts for a new build. I just got a H510 Elite and I'll soon be getting a Kraken X62. I know that with the case I get the AER RGB fans in the front and I like the look of those but seeing as the X62 comes with its own fans, what's the recommended setup? I've seen people say to use the fans that come with the X62 (and not use the AER fans on the front) while others have said to just use the AER fans on the X62 radiator and not worry about the difference in static pressure, etc.

I'd love some advice here. What's best? Is there a difference in cooling between using the fans that come with the X62 on the radiator and using the AER fans from the case on the radiator? For context, I'll be running a 3700X with X570 Aorus Elite board.



Dec 2, 2019
I asked NZXT on Twitter and they said:

"the RGB fans are not static pressure but should not affect cooling too much. You will not use the fans that come with the x62"

Does anyone know if anybody has tested the two setups in this case? Thanks.


SP fans excel over AF fans when there are obstacles involved - which are always there, unless you run an open air bench.
They almost always make for better intakes, and the AFs can be used for exhaust.

Due to the design of NZXT's H-series cases, I think you will see little difference using either SP or AF fans in the front panel. There are 2 hard 'resistors' here:
-the closed off front panel: the greatest obstacle here
-even though there is front intake by way of those grilles, the airflow has to make a 90 degree turn once it's pulled in
The more obstacles, the weaker the airflow becomes... but those darn closed off front panels are a PITA, and probably the most difficult obstacle for any fan to deal with.

"the RGB fans are not static pressure but should not affect cooling too much. You will not use the fans that come with the x62"
Because RGB fans, period, sacrifice performance for aesthetics. Take 2 identical fans, but one has RGB. The non-RGB one will cool slightly better, simply because it's running faster.
All those little LEDs in those fans do use more power, and the manufacturers want to keep power consumption within a certain level, whatever that might be, whether that's .20As, .30As, or whatever.

TL;DR: Leave the Kraken X62 as is, mount it in the front of the case, and move the 2 stock fans to exhaust.