Which fans should I use and where? With pictures!


May 10, 2013
This is the case I have:
the top hard drive cage has been removed however and my side panel is windowless with a spot for a 120mm or 140mm fan

I have 3 of these fans as they came with my Corsair H55's

I have 2 of these fans

I have 4 of these fans

And then 1 of these

The only spots in my case that fit a 140mm fan are the top two slots and the side panel, I'm for sure going to be putting my one 140mm fan on the side panel for maximizing cooling to the VRAM chips on my GPU's

I have three radiators to cool and I have enough fans to do a push-pull on all three

I have the radiators (120mm) in the top slot at the front of the case, the front slot at the top of the case and the final radiator is in the back rear top corner slot

So after seeing my case and those fans, which fans should be used for radiators and which ones should be used for the spots with no radiators?

If I mix and match fans on a radiator, should the more powerful for be the push fan or the pull fan?

Noise isn't much of an issue (although obviously I'm trying to keep my rig as silent as possible) as I have a digital fan controller for fan RPM's and some voltage reducing cables

Thank you for your input!
If I understand, you have 3 h55's (one for cpu, one for each gpu?). I would try to use the fans that come with the h55 as push and use a different fan for pull. If the rads are horizontal (on top venting up out the top cover) then would probably use the noctua's there for the pull with the h55 stock as push. If the radiator is mounted vertical (at front of case blowing in or rear exhaust blowing out the back) then the stock h55 as push and a fractal as pull. You said you already wanted to use the 140 as the side intake which would probably be the best place for it.

There may be better fans, but working with what you've got that's just my suggestion. I don't think any of the noctuas or fractal fans are going to have as good of static...
If I understand, you have 3 h55's (one for cpu, one for each gpu?). I would try to use the fans that come with the h55 as push and use a different fan for pull. If the rads are horizontal (on top venting up out the top cover) then would probably use the noctua's there for the pull with the h55 stock as push. If the radiator is mounted vertical (at front of case blowing in or rear exhaust blowing out the back) then the stock h55 as push and a fractal as pull. You said you already wanted to use the 140 as the side intake which would probably be the best place for it.

There may be better fans, but working with what you've got that's just my suggestion. I don't think any of the noctuas or fractal fans are going to have as good of static pressure as the stock h55 fans do (since they're designed to go with a radiator). Noctuas will probably handle being horizontal better than the fractal fans (some people have had noise issues with horizontal mount). You'll be better off having the higher static pressure fans in push and the slightly weaker ones in pull. Someone else may have a better suggestion though.