Which game to play.... New GPU


Dec 25, 2013
Hey everyone so finally my 1070 should be arriving tomorrow or the next day at the latest....

I have only played a few games for the PC, Titals that I own

Titanfall - NFS Undercover - D3 and that's it... I am wondering if I should get into GTA 5 or is it too late maybe something else, something I can play and enjoy...

I know it's a tough question to get answered but thought maybe could hear some alternatives is like Doom better to buy and play over GTA or maybe something like Overwatch which is very popular now I don't want to get multiple games because my time is limited and I wont be able to play many games.

Thanks for any opinions on the games
Hey man awesome to hear you've got a new gpu on the way! exciting stuff. You should definitely play some GTA 5 its a real good casual game and pretty dam fun to mess around on. Doom is a good choice, Havn't played it myself but first person shooters like that are easy to jump into and out of without having to remember much for the busy lifestyle.

Games not to get - The witcher 3. Involves a huge amount of questing and takes alot of time, not something to casually play.

Not sure if you've heard of it or not but theres a new game called No Mans Sky coming out at the start of August which looks pretty awesome and unique. Also Overwatch looks sweet and fun being so popular at the mo! Another fun game would be Far Cry Primal!

Hope I helped you in some way haha Have fun with your new graphics card!