which games could be played on Nvidia NVS 3100M ?

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Jun 9, 2015
please list the names of the games that could be played using Nvidia NVS 3100M with high or medium resolution.
Do you have any idea how many games are out there? There is no such list to say which games, which GPU can handle. Not only that you OS, CPU, RAM, and many many more variables in play here.

But let me try to answer your question. Today's gaming GPU's have 1500+ CUDA Cores in Nvida cards. The Nvidia NVS 3100M has 16, yes I got the number correct 16 and not 1600. That card has about 1% of the power a standard gaming card has. So if you can open Solitaire or Minesweeper, you're doing well. Maybe try Oregon Trail if you want to push things a bit.
Anything with very low graphics, so stuff like old turn based, hex tile games like Fantasy General or the old Panzer General type games. They are dirt cheap if you look about. But really, you should start saving for a new laptop or PC or even just ask people you know if they have an old PC or lap to sell/lend you.

Also check out http://www.homeoftheunderdogs.net/, they have loads of legit free abandon-ware or freeware games (no pirate content).As they are older games they may work on your system. One old gem I remember was Star Control 2, now called Ur-Quan Masters HD http://sourceforge.net/projects/urquanmastershd/

Play in the original graphics, OR in Hi-Res mode
Internet Multi-Player
Hundreds of worlds to explore.
Ship vs. Ship Melee combat: 26 Unique ships. Easy to play, difficult to master.
Amazing Single Player Story
Based on 1992's Game of the Year, Star Control 2

I have the card on my laptop and it can play most direct x10. list of the games I have played are
assassin creed revelation mid to high settings
splinter cell blacklist medium + 900p resolution.
assassin creed freedom cry very laggy= unplayable for me
injustice ultimate edition playable at lowest setting and resolution
dirt showdown playable at mid to high setting etc
just make sure the games aren't AA like crysis 3 type of games.
you should be fine with far cry,tomb raider 2013,skyrim most games from 2013 downward and some 2014 games like darksouls 2.
Bonus: make sure you have a core i5 or i7 CPU and 4-8gb ram.
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