Which GPU for my system?


Mar 22, 2012
I am not much of a gamer (yet) but I feel like I want better graphics than the integrated Intel graphics on the i7, to make my system more well-balanced and to give me more gaming options. Typical usage includes Internet, MS Office, burning DVD's and CD's and watching movies and my son plays games like Minecraft. I might like to try a few games and from what I've seen my system's graphics can't handle it. Mostly thinking of racing/sports/adventure and maybe something like COD: Black Ops.

The video card I have in mind is the MSI 660ti OC
Part of the reason I chose that is that I like MSI cards, prefer NVidia and it's under $300, just FYI

Video cards aren't my strongest area of expertise, so I'd like to know:
1. Is the MSI card a good choice for my build (any bottleneck issues)?
2. If my current usage stays the same, will it help (do I even need more than integrated)?
3. NVidia vs. Radeon and why?

My build: http://pcpartpicker.com/b/AJe

1. I've personally owned an MSI card in the past and I found it operated cool, quietly, and without issues. No reason to expect a bottleneck.
2. The best IGU that Intel currently offers is the HD 4000 and while the solution is fine for watching HD videos at 1080p, it will not run graphically demanding games on medium or high settings at playable frame rates at high/HD resolutions.
3. Nvidia or Radeon is like Audi or BMW. You could go through both vendors with a fine tooth comb and nit pick the flaws but when it comes down to it they're pretty evenly matched. It just depends which set of features you plan on utilizing more often. Some games run GeForce better and some run Radeon better. I find Radeon generally offers a little bit more for the money, however they do seem slightly more prone to minor bugs related to their drivers.

In my opinion the GTX 660 TI is a great card and I personally think it's a little overkill for what you're going to be using it for. I don't think you'd need to go higher than a 650 TI Boost or even an HD 7850 2GB unless you plan on multi-monitor gaming any time soon. The benefit to going with the GTX 660 TI is that you will be future-proofing yourself a little more than with the previously stated options. But if you plan on replacing the GFX card or the PC within the next 3-5 years then there's no need for something as high as a GTX 660 TI. I find anything higher than the 7850 or the 650 TI Boost for single monitor gaming is a bit superfluous , but hey, that's just my opinion.
I want a more future-proof solution, not looking for a card to replace in the next few years. I'd say COD: Black Ops 2 is the MAXIMUM level game I'd ever play. So, it sounds like the 7850 would be better? What's the NVidia counterpart?

GTX 650 TI Boost would be the direct competition for the HD 7850. If you get it, makes sure you get the 650 Ti Boost and not the regular GTX 650 TI. The non-boost version is under the 7850 in performance, and the 650 Ti Boost is very close in performance to the 7850 depending on which games you're playing. I'd personally go for the 7850 just because it's specs a bit higher, but in all fairness it is generally more money (+/- $20).
The HD 7870 would be somewhat of a better performed than the 7850. It would at least let you play Battlefield 3 at High/Ultra settings.

My HD 7790 plays BF3 on Ultra settings at 80+ FPS 😛

at 1366x768.

Still gets a playable 40 FPS average on my 1080p tv and that's with AF set to x16.

as to be expected from the 7790.

Yeah it is what it is. The jump in price from a GTX 650 TI Boost to a 7870 sizable though. And I'm not sure if it would really pay off in his specific case.

I don't think 15 percent more performance is worth 50+ dollars.
"I don't think 15 percent more performance is worth 50+ dollars."

I've gotten lost between the two sides going back and forth.
So, the 660ti is overkill so I'd do good with the 650ti BOOST or 7850?
Is that comment above talking about the jump from 650 to 7870?

I should have also mentioned that I'm looking to keep my system as quiet as possible, so not sure how that affects the suggestions that have been made.

If you are going to play black ops there is no need to get a gtx 660 ti. A gtx 650 ti boost 2gb can be found for 141 dollars and at that price you just can't beat it and would be more than adequate for black ops
Yeah I agree. GTX 650 TI Boost if you want Nvidia, Radeon HD 7850 if you want AMD. The 7870 competes with the GTX 660 in both price and performance and the performance gain you would see from it is not worth the extra cash as it sits around the $200+ range.