imran01898 :
volkgren :
imran01898 :
volkgren :
No, GT 730 is a very crappy option.
GT 1030 at the very least. But I'd rather have a used GTX 950.
What power supply do you have btw?
If you have a small power supply you can go with a GTX 750 Ti
I have corsair vs 550 W . I stay in india. GTX 730 4gb ddr3 itself costs 110 dollars.
Oh ok. Well the GT 730 is still a terrible gaming card in this year 2018. I'd save up for at least a GT 1030, GTX 750 Ti, GTX 950, GTX 1050, RX 560, GTX 1050 Ti, etc.
Is this a good option.?
if you want anything better than DOTA. I would try to grab 1030 for low power and high gain compared with what you have, but any of this "GT 1030, GTX 750 Ti, GTX 950, GTX 1050, RX 560, GTX 1050 Ti" list will be a great upgrade.