Which graphics card?

Either is fine. You can go for the cheapest card and overclock to the same performance.
The OC version is simply a factory overclock out of the box.
is it worth overclokcing because this is my first build and i don't know how to oc... so should i just go with the cheeper? do you no if this is a good card.. will 750w be enough? for the psi

is it worth overclokcing because this is my first build and i don't know how to oc... so should i just go with the cheeper? do you no if this is a good card.. will 750w be enough? for the psu
A quality 750W power supply is fine. What brand and model?
The OC version probably performs 1-5 fps better. Overclocking is not necessary if you don't want to.
There are plenty of guides and videos on overclocking the gpu.
However, if you prefer not to, you can get the OC version as well. That card can also be overclocked a bit higher as well.