Which GTX 970 is best overclocking?


Apr 6, 2013
So soon I plan buy a GTX 970 and eventually overclock my first gpu once I do enough research and there is a need for it. I've been googling around and cant seem to find an answer to one question though before I throw down $300+ a gpu. So I'm looking at 3 cards all EVGA, all 970s, none factory overclocked. I know the only difference is their clock speeds and price. Question is, will the higher priced cards overclock better relative to their initial speeds vs the lower priced ones? Should I just buy the cheapest one if I plan on upgrading in a year or two?

One more thing. I have an AMD FX6300 OC'd to 4.4ghz there should be zero issues with bottle-necking for gaming?

AMD FX6300
ASrock 990FX
Gskill 1866mhz
Corsair 650W PSU
Corsair H60 WC
Samsung 840 EVO
WB Blue

Comparison link : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%2050001312%2050001402%2050001314%2050001315%20600536049&IsNodeId=1&Description=gtx%20970&bop=And&CompareItemList=48%7C14-487-077%5E14-487-077-TS%2C14-487-071%5E14-487-071-TS%2C14-487-075%5E14-487-075-TS&percm=14-487-077%3A%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%3B14-487-071%3A%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%3B14-487-075%3A%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%3B14-487-076%3A%24%24%24%24%24%24%24
generally, the better cooler will over clock better, though there are so many variables, it is impossible to say which will over clock best. all chips are different.

If I were you, and I was set on EVGA, i would go for the cheap one. both the 329 and the 369 have the same ACX 2.0 cooler. You are paying the extra 40 for a factory over clock
generally, the better cooler will over clock better, though there are so many variables, it is impossible to say which will over clock best. all chips are different.

If I were you, and I was set on EVGA, i would go for the cheap one. both the 329 and the 369 have the same ACX 2.0 cooler. You are paying the extra 40 for a factory over clock