Which GTX 970 to get

Aaron Manill

Dec 8, 2014
I am trying to decide when 970 to get, I was originally going to go with a windforce, but after some research I determined it is to long for my mid tower case,

Right now, I am leaning towards the

as they seem to be the best bang for the buck. The only question, is there an actual difference between these, and their non overclocked editions component wise? Do the manufacturers grade the GPU's then decide which overclock best for them to throw the different labels on?
Well i guess the extra size is the sacrifice for its better performance, to be honest, the EVGA seems to kicking asus's butt, and asus already kicks msi's butt, so just go with evga, it is a solid deal, and like i said, they are all great and you cant go wrong picking any one of those 4 970's
Shame you cant take the gigabyte, but asus is the best, but you cant go wrong with either, but take the asus strix, but if you have to choose between those two, take the EVGA, if im not mistaken it is better than asus (dont take the msi, take strix or evga)
yea it really bugged me that i couldn't take the gigabyte but it's 5 inches longer then the other 2, and i don't have my case yet but i called the manufacturer and they told me case only has room for 11 inches
Well i guess the extra size is the sacrifice for its better performance, to be honest, the EVGA seems to kicking asus's butt, and asus already kicks msi's butt, so just go with evga, it is a solid deal, and like i said, they are all great and you cant go wrong picking any one of those 4 970's