Which laptop is better?

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Dec 21, 2014
Want a gaming laptop and cannot have a desktop due to work. Which is the better buy? They have the exact same specs, but I plan on overclocking the CPU. it basically comes down to MSI vs. Clevo. Clevo is cheaper but I dont know how Clevos are with build quality. MSI has good build quality (have owned one before) and just want some other input.

Lap 1 (Clevo): https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06W5H6KLT/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1491342786&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=7820hk%2Bgtx%2B1070%2B120Hz&dpPl=1&dpID=415iOaKO5fL&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1

Lap 2 (MSI): https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1306508-REG/msi_gt73vr_titan_426_17_3_gt73vr_titan_notebook.html

And yes I know overclocking the CPU in a laptop is dangerous but I'm going to watch my temps and have fans kicked into gear. I simply just want to know which one is better and why based on your opinion thanks!
Question from infam0us1999 : "Which laptop is better"

i can't say which one is better in terms of quality and durability, if you ask me which one i would buy

the msi, that one i would buy

do you want to move around your gaming laptop? is your first gaming pc?

about overclocking, it is not dangerous,there is lots of manuals, forum posts and videos talking about it, so you can do it, remember that when overclocked, once you apply load on those laptops, the fans will sound like a jet engine, not a pleasant sound

And of course, with the screen size difference comes a size and weight difference. Going by their respective product pages (which may not be 100% accurate), the Clevo is listed as being "5.84 lbs. with Battery Pack" while the MSI lists it's weight as "8.59 lb", and it is notably larger and thicker. That might make a difference if you're hauling the thing around a lot. If those numbers are accurate, then the MSI is almost 50% heavier.

However, it's possible that the MSI may have a larger battery as well. It comes with an 8-cell, 75Wh battery, while I couldn't find any battery specs listed on the Clevo's product page. Differences in things like keyboard or screen quality could also exist, as could differences in their cooling systems, so it's probably worth looking up reviews for more detailed information on both systems.
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