[SOLVED] Which laptop would be better to buy?


Hello all.
So while I'm not new to being able to figure out which of these is the best choice, there is one component that is throwing me off on my decision.

The practical part of me says the ASUS is the better choice, but the enthusiast in me says get the Dell.

While the ASUS has the i5-8250u which has overall better multi-core performance and lower TDP for better battery life, the Dell has a GTX 960.

Both laptops have 120GB SSD, 1TB HDD, and 8GB of RAM with 1080p display.

I will be using the laptop for college.

I will have to buy a battery for the Dell which will cost $40.

While the posting for the Dell says $445, I will try to talk the dude down to $400 so that the cost becomes $440 after I buy the battery.

The ASUS laptop is $400 and I figure if I can talk the dude down on that one, I can get it for a little bit less.

Here are both laptops, please tell me what you think is the better choice.

ASUS Laptop

Dell Laptop