Question Which Linux OS for my Wireguard VPS?


Jul 21, 2020
I want to Buy a VPS to install Wireguard VPN. I guess Linux is the best for it.

Now I have a few options to choose: CentOS 6 - 7,
Debian 8 - 11,
Ubunto 14.04LTS - 22.04LTS,
FreeBSD 12 - 13,
ArchLinux(Latest Version),
AlmaLinux 8.6

So which one do you recommend to pick?

I just want to install wireguard VPN. I also found Wireguard VPS which was cheaper but it was only for 1 device to connect at a time. If you have any suggestion, tell me please.
I would go for Ubuntu 22, because it's the current LTS version of Ubuntu, and Ubuntu is fine for general use. Debian 11 is fine too, but the current LTS version is 12. Centos used to be great for this kind of thing, but I'd skip them because they moved to stream releases. And FreeBSD is not linux (BSD is Unix, but not Linux).

I have no experience with ArchLinux or AlmaLinux.
Different ones may have different command line tools for the same things. all of them likely have wg in their default repo. ubuntu is debian based so they will be pretty similar. ubuntu is also one of the most used and easiest to find guides for.

it's very common for people to switch services they've been running forever to arch since it's a rolling release.