T TeamGoHamHD Reputable Sep 15, 2014 4 0 4,510 Jan 10, 2015 #1 preferably an optical mouse as an upgrade to my steel series rival as it is starting to spaz out please leave your suggestions thx
preferably an optical mouse as an upgrade to my steel series rival as it is starting to spaz out please leave your suggestions thx
Titillating Expert Ambassador Aug 18, 2014 4,662 5 16,965 Jan 12, 2015 #2 It all comes down to a matter of preference really, but personally, I am a fan of the Razer Deathadder. Been using various iterations of it for years, and it is just extremely comfortable—at least for me.
It all comes down to a matter of preference really, but personally, I am a fan of the Razer Deathadder. Been using various iterations of it for years, and it is just extremely comfortable—at least for me.