Which one is better? An IPS panel or G-Sync?


Aug 16, 2017
From what I heard, G-Sync is good but it's not that great. I'm in a dilemma. I'm planning on buying a new 1440p 144hz monitor and there are 3 monitors that look good

IPS panel: -


G-Sync (TN Panel):-


Which one should I buy? Is G-Sync really worth the trade from an IPS panel? Note that both of the IPS monitors have Freesync which I won't be using but from what I hear most people say G-Sync is not all that
I'll be using my monitor mainly for gaming. Better colours sounds nice but some people say G-Sync is quite nice to have. I'm in a real dilemma. A friend of mine is currently using a 144hz Freesync monitor with an Nvidia card and he said he didn't mind not having G-Sync or not ultilising the Freesync that his monitor has. The monitor is still great. So I really need opinions from other people

Are the colours from an IPS panel significantly better than a TN panel? I think I'd like my visuals to be fluid but is it really worth it to sacrifice G-Sync and the response time? I play games like Dota 2, Overwatch, PUBG

Is G-Sync really worth it over the IPS panel?

I personally find the G-Sync preferable, but it comes down to what *you* want, not what *I* want. You're asking a personal preference question, akin to asking whether tacos or cheesesteaks are "better." It comes down to what you value and what you don't and none of us are you.

I've never used an IPS or a G-Sync monitor so I can't really decide. Is G-Sync really a game changer or is experiencing the transition from a TN to an IPS panel is more worth it