Which routers can you recommend for me?


Jul 8, 2011

I'm currently using the cheap router that my ISP gave me 3-5 years ago. I can tell that it isn't sufficient because quite often when my mum turns on her phone or tablet, she can't get connected unless I restart the router. There are also times when I lose connection even when the signal is good. That could be my ISP's fault though.

So I need a new router which can support 5 devices, giving at least 10 mbps to each device.

I've been considering the Belkin N300 and Netgear N300. If you suggest something else, please say so. :)

10-15 mbps is when 5 devices are connected but only one device is actually downloading. If all 5 are downloading at the same time then the speed can go below 1 mbps.