Question Which RTX3080: PNY or MSI

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Jul 17, 2022
Hello there.
So I am getting new PC soon.
I have been wondering since there are no much reviews or well any that I found.
Except maybe 1 on YouTube, but not very useful.

Should I trust PNY brand?
Not everything famous brands like MSI do is great.

PNY RTX3080 XLR8 Gaming Revel EPIC-X RGB Triple Fan 10GB

or MSI RTX3080 Ventus 3X Plus OC 10G OC,10GB.

Until just 3 weeks ago if anyone suggested I consider buying something like this,I would call them absolutely insane or thought they are mocking me since I prefer consoles and have unpleasant experiences with my old PC.

So I plan to combine it with a place holder CPU.
The Ryzen 5 3600.
It would keep place for 5700X or better .

So Ryzen 5 3600+32GB RAM(2x8+2x8 G.Skill Aegis 3000@CAS16)+RTX3080
1 or 2 500GB SSD+2TB External 5400RPM Seagate Gamedrive


5700X+2x8 same RAM+RTX3080.
Stuck with 1 500GB SSD for some time.

I am interested in DaVinchi Resolve Free versions and Blender which if I am not mistaken also has free version.
Gaming is 2ndary,but still significant enough.
At 1440p.
I am complete begginer.
But I am purchasing PC for a period of 5 - 10 years.
As long as everything works,that is.
In time I plan to get NR600 or whatever case.

People don't like when I write too much,so do you have any questions?
I suggest my card:

ASUS TUF 3080 10G OC.

I suppose, 12G-card is as good as mine ( same cooler), and if you like, you can take it, too.

I would like your card...if the price was right.
It isn't.
So if anyone has experiences with these cards.
If not,I will risk with Ventus card.
PNY is a bit cheaper, but not much.

I actually planned 3060Ti with new case,new 2x16 Trident Z RGB RAM and stuff.
But then I figured,why not take 3080 instead.
No Trident Z RGB beaty and stuff,but that's okay .
Sometimes sacrifices must be made.

I was recommended 3070 over 3060Ti, but I wanted a bit of aesthetics this time.
For 3080 however, I am willing to give up on aesthetics.

I have limited budget.
So suggesting more expensive cards isn't helping.
I wish to maximise on that limited budget.
Make certain sacrifices and fix them later.
But I would prefer to not get 3080 as hot as the sun if possible.
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Most of the members on this site are based in the US, which PNY doesn't have much of a presence of, if at all. So getting feedback on the PNY card would prove to be difficult. Msi, on the other hand, has a pretty expansive presence.

I can't seem to find any good side views of the Revel Epic-X; they're all at an angle. It LOOKS like it isn't as open at the sides as the Ventus 3X is. That means it won't do as good at exhausting warm air, but again, the images I'm seeing aren't doing it justice.

Will you choose an adequate power supply for a 3080? It's pretty picky about that.

Not everything famous brands like MSI do is great.
That goes for ALL brands. They all have their share of smash hits, just okays, and lemons.
Some people will have a few good experiences and swear by that brand being the best, or something like that. Others can have one horrible experience from that same brand, and it's suddenly the worst in the world that they'll never go back to...
Don't try to lean on brand loyalty if you can help it.
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TX650M seemed excellent.
Not huge amount of OC overhead, but I don't care.
I am not OC type,anyway.
Without OC,it should be sufficient.

HOWEVER, considering the amount of years I want it to last,that ASUS card seemed sweet when it comes to cooling.
I might be banned for trolling if I say how long I want it to last,so I won't.

It is some 100€ more expensive than PNY , but I think it's within reason.
Problem is the awesome Arctic coolers I picked isn't fully compatible with my motherboard.
Not many great coolers that can match price/performance of Arctic Freezer 34 e-Sports Duo.
Motherboard is MSI X470 Gaming Pro.
The mechanism to make them compatible is additional cost .

Not everyone who wants RTX3080 is rich.
Some of us must plan literally every $.
The gpu overclocks itself via the built in Gpu Boost Algorithm, and depending on the product tier of the aftermarket gpu, it's going to have a factory OC applied on top of that.

You shouldn't be banned over something like that. I've been using my 1080Ti since it launched, and have installed/uninstalled the gpu cooler so many times that it'd probably make others faint.
Still works just fine, and I'll may be going 6 years on it depending on how the next gen launches go.
The gpu does tend to show its age faster than the cpu does though, so that might be a little too long for some folks.
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The gpu overclocks itself via the built in Gpu Boost Algorithm, and depending on the product tier of the aftermarket gpu, it's going to have a factory OC applied on top of that.

You shouldn't be banned over something like that. I've been using my 1080Ti since it launched, and have installed/uninstalled the gpu cooler so many times that it'd probably make others faint.
Still works just fine, and I'll may be going 6 years on it depending on how the next gen launches go.
The gpu does tend to show its age faster than the cpu does though, so that might be a little too long for some folks.

Well in DLSS 2.0 and beyond 3080 can perform as good or better than 3090Ti in rasterisation.
Plus FSR2.0 may or may not be even better.
I wouldn't be surprised if both DLSS and FSR make 144p picture look like 4K in 5 years.

I would like minimum 7years.
And since I am believe it or not fine with 30fps,3080 might last me as long as there are drivers.
Even 3rd party if Nvidia stops supporting it.

I wish to learn DaVinchi Resolve(Free) and Blender.
Not for work or anything, but for fun.
Though in 7 or so years a lot can happen.
Gaming is 2ndary, but obviously it provides infinite amount of Video Editing opportunities.

I plan on no loyalty to any brand.
Not after watching Hardware Unboxed reviews of some motherboards and comparing them to Amazon customer "reviews" which can be painful to read.
That being said I am aware of HU and Tom's Hardware...disagreements.

99% that I will be forced to postpone it for a few months.

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I suggest my card:

ASUS TUF 3080 10G OC.

I suppose, 12G-card is as good as mine ( same cooler), and if you like, you can take it, too.

I found 10GB non-OC version
Some 130$ - 140$ approximately.
Which makes it even slightly cheaper than that PNY.
Is cooling the same or...watered-down?
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Hello there.
So I am getting new PC soon.
I have been wondering since there are no much reviews or well any that I found.
Except maybe 1 on YouTube, but not very useful.

Should I trust PNY brand?
Not everything famous brands like MSI do is great.

PNY RTX3080 XLR8 Gaming Revel EPIC-X RGB Triple Fan 10GB

or MSI RTX3080 Ventus 3X Plus OC 10G OC,10GB.

Until just 3 weeks ago if anyone suggested I consider buying something like this,I would call them absolutely insane or thought they are mocking me since I prefer consoles and have unpleasant experiences with my old PC.

So I plan to combine it with a place holder CPU.
The Ryzen 5 3600.
It would keep place for 5700X or better .

So Ryzen 5 3600+32GB RAM(2x8+2x8 G.Skill Aegis 3000@CAS16)+RTX3080
1 or 2 500GB SSD+2TB External 5400RPM Seagate Gamedrive


5700X+2x8 same RAM+RTX3080.
Stuck with 1 500GB SSD for some time.

I am interested in DaVinchi Resolve Free versions and Blender which if I am not mistaken also has free version.
Gaming is 2ndary,but still significant enough.
At 1440p.
I am complete begginer.
But I am purchasing PC for a period of 5 - 10 years.
As long as everything works,that is.
In time I plan to get NR600 or whatever case.

People don't like when I write too much,so do you have any questions?
My EVGA RTX3080ti FTW3 is pretty healthy.
TX650M seemed excellent.
Not huge amount of OC overhead, but I don't care.
I am not OC type,anyway.
Without OC,it should be sufficient.

HOWEVER, considering the amount of years I want it to last,that ASUS card seemed sweet when it comes to cooling.
I might be banned for trolling if I say how long I want it to last,so I won't.

It is some 100€ more expensive than PNY , but I think it's within reason.
Problem is the awesome Arctic coolers I picked isn't fully compatible with my motherboard.
Not many great coolers that can match price/performance of Arctic Freezer 34 e-Sports Duo.
Motherboard is MSI X470 Gaming Pro.
The mechanism to make them compatible is additional cost .

Not everyone who wants RTX3080 is rich.
Some of us must plan literally every $.

As @Phaaze88 suggested, you need to reconsider your PSU. The 3080 requires a 750w which is recommended. However, RTX3080 have high transient power spikes which can push past 750w. You should look at a quality 750-850w. the TXM650, whilst a good PSU (I know, I have one). It's not strong enough for the 3080, and you may have issues with it.
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Didn't hear anything bad about PNY so far. They aren't bad and honestly, from my experience, there isn't much difference between the cheapest and most expensive cards. Especially if you can tune them a little. I can push my puny Gainward Phoenix RTX 3070Ti to run at 2085MHz if I really want to, and the card is hard locked to 290W power draw. Only ever getting around 70°C on average. That's more than decent. So I don't see cheaper cards being definitely worse that more expensive ones.

Edit: considering it's an American company with over 50% of revenue in the US, I highly doubt it is not very present there.
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PNY is the single largest Vendor for use of nvidia Quadro cards, so has a very large presence in the US as far as that aspect goes. They also have been quite popular with prior gens of Gtx cards and ram.

But, they never really expanded into the high performance market the way MSI, Gigabyte, Asus did. For all intents and purposes, their gpus are reference designs, that may have a small factory OC applied in the Xcelerate series.

I would like minimum 7years.
No guarantees on time. Ever. With any card. For any reason. It physically lasts as long as it lasts, but more important is the software. The GTX980ti was released 7 years ago, top of the line except for the Titans, so comparing that to a 3090, there's a massive difference in ability and whatever a 3090 might consider a heavy load, is well beyond what a 980ti can even consider working.

The best you can do is whatever the best your budget allows, and when that's no longer good enough, time to upgrade, regardless of whether you want to or not. It's just how the IT industry works.

2nd tier vendors typically will use reference design pcbs for most, if not all, their cards in the series, only changing the cooler and fans, so expect very similar performance and longetivity from any of them, the only differences being looks, noise, temps depending on the cooler used.
Most of the members on this site are based in the US, which PNY doesn't have much of a presence of, if at all. So getting feedback on the PNY card would prove to be difficult. Msi, on the other hand, has a pretty expansive presence.


Let me offer an input if I may. I live where PNY actually has quite a bit of presence in the market. Here, they're seen as a "second-class budget" brand like AFOX, Colorful, Yeston, Biostar, or Digital Alliance.

I've never owned a PNY GPU myself, but I knew a few people who have (or had) one, and from what I've heard they're pretty good. Reliable and great bang for buck. None of them were 3080s, but 3050, 1660, and a 3070 Ti (and one which I don't even know which model). If all you wanted is a GPU that works, PNY GPUs will do in a pinch. After all, they're typically cheaper than established name brands, and they won't blow up in your face or anything.


At this point honestly I don't really consider GPU brands as something that impact my decisions while buying a GPU. If you don't push your GPU too much, any brand will do. I've used a number of different GPU manufacturers / models including premium ones (Sapphire and ZOTAC), mid-tier (Gigabyte and Galax), Chinese / Taiwanese brand (Yeston, the one I'm using right now, and a short affair with Biostar) and ultra-budget (Digital Alliance), and I've never really find much difference between them (granted, I'm a casual user). Sure, the more premium manufacturers GPU are more refined, more silent, maybe brighter RGB and better looks, but if all you wanted is to output some image to your monitor, any of them will do just fine.

And one more thing, when I was in college my university had plenty of PNY Quadro GPUs running simulations / calculations day in and out. They were mostly Maxwell era-stuff, but the fact they've been running for so long without problems should tell you a lot about their quality.

If I were in your position I'd pick the PNY GPU instead of the MSI, save some money. And while style is an acquired taste, I find the PNY looking cooler than the MSI, but that's just me.
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As @Phaaze88 suggested, you need to reconsider your PSU. The 3080 requires a 750w which is recommended. However, RTX3080 have high transient power spikes which can push past 750w. You should look at a quality 750-850w. the TXM650, whilst a good PSU (I know, I have one). It's not strong enough for the 3080, and you may have issues with it.
A merchant in a PC shop who's job is to sell me more expensive stuff claimed 650W sufficient.
650W was cheaper than 750
On PC partpicker where experienced members LITERALLY worship Tomshardware(because apparently Tomshardware is the only place with proper equipment and experts),in 2080Ti times , assured me many times that just because company recommends something, shouldn't be taken to hearth and that overall System W in System Builder is sufficient way to figure out proper W.
As long as PSU is decent or great quality.
In which case going 100W below whatever GPU manufacturer recommends is usually more than sufficient.
Unless doing extreme overclocking.
I intend to manually OC RAM eventually.
In many years probably.
CPU & GPU,no way.
Well except Boost stuff and such where no Manual OC is required.

There was no TX650M anymore.Sold out so I took slightly more expensive TX750M.
Well I would take it anyways.
After a lot of thinking, I decided to play it safe.
Or safer at least.

I decided to get MSI RTX3080 Gaming Z Trio.
It was on a discount and supposedly great VRM is EXTREMELY important.
I also took CoolerMaster MasterBox NR600 case.
Eventually I called them and ordered Arctic Cooling 120mm P12 PWM A-RGB Value Pack.
So with 2 Pre-instaled, that's 5 case fans now.

And what PSU would you recommend over TXM?

Focus Plus?
PNY is the single largest Vendor for use of nvidia Quadro cards, so has a very large presence in the US as far as that aspect goes. They also have been quite popular with prior gens of Gtx cards and ram.

But, they never really expanded into the high performance market the way MSI, Gigabyte, Asus did. For all intents and purposes, their gpus are reference designs, that may have a small factory OC applied in the Xcelerate series.

No guarantees on time. Ever. With any card. For any reason. It physically lasts as long as it lasts, but more important is the software. The GTX980ti was released 7 years ago, top of the line except for the Titans, so comparing that to a 3090, there's a massive difference in ability and whatever a 3090 might consider a heavy load, is well beyond what a 980ti can even consider working.

The best you can do is whatever the best your budget allows, and when that's no longer good enough, time to upgrade, regardless of whether you want to or not. It's just how the IT industry works.

2nd tier vendors typically will use reference design pcbs for most, if not all, their cards in the series, only changing the cooler and fans, so expect very similar performance and longetivity from any of them, the only differences being looks, noise, temps depending on the cooler used.
Well by 7 years I meant performance wise .
With RTX3080 should be without problems in my case.
Which is where VRM comes into play to increase those chances.
A model known for poor VRM didn't interest me.
Or potentially unreliable brand regardless of potentially more affordable pricing.
It is a HUUUGE money for me , so risking things for 50$ difference would be above & beyond stupid for me.
Which is why I approached Tomshardware Forum since Tomshardware has somewhat of a legendary reputation.
Infact almost 2/3 of a budget went on a GPU.

Pretty much the goto site for psu recommended sizes. For the 3080, they list 700w. That's your average kinda wattage, so for an excellent psu, a 650w or for a lower tier psu a 750w.

But that's also kinda iffy, if you have a high class Intel, they'll push 250w ish by themselves, add in 300w+ for the card and another 100w for the rest of the pc + drives and rgb etc.

That puts you right at 650w during stress or uber heavy gaming loads. Which is an issue. The high tier 30 series is well documented for having extreme transient load spikes out of the blue, so having only 650w psu, you really take your chances with bsods and/or instant shutdowns. Those spikes can hit North of 200w additional and will trip the 12v rail OCP in a heartbeat.

With a 65w Ryzen, I'd opt for 750w. With high tier Intel, 850w when paired with a 3080. Just because there simply are no decent 700/800w psus.
^^ Agree with this!

Transient power spikes are really playing a lot in PSU purchases with RTX, but also older gen too.

For RTX3xxx the power spikes can reach 2.5 x TGP
For RTX2xxx the power spikes are in the order of 2.0 x TGP
And even for GTX1xxx the power spikes are up to 1.5 x TGP.

If your GPU pushes 300w then you need to be looking at a min of 750w for the RTX transients.

Apparently, it will be even worse for RTX4xxx where the power spikes could mean with a 400w GPU going all the way up to 1000+w just to have clearance.
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