Which SSD to buy?


Sep 22, 2016
I'm not 100% sure if this is in the right category (but I hope it is).

I'm don't know weather to buy the Kingston 120gb SSD or the less known, KingDian 120gb SSD?

They are both pretty much the same price and I'm not sure if there is any difference?

Any help would be much appreciated.
That Kingston is Read 450MB/s, Write 450MB/s. The King Dian is Read 559.7MB/s Write 380.5 MB/s and not your regular SSD as it has a cache whereas most new SSD's dont. Just go for the Kingston.

And 120gb does affect the write speed, but more so the IOPS, so it will be less responsive than a larger model with a better memory controller, but still faster than a regular 3.5" HDD.
Did you try Googling reviews of each of the models you are looking at? That would be a good starting point.
Take this with a grain of sale - I've not heard anything good about the Kingdian. Either way, both of these are budget drives and not top performers.

IMHO opinion, the write speeds of the Kingdian are atrocious - 131 is pretty darn slow.

There are several Kingston 120g drives, you don't say which model you are looking at so it's a bit hard to give you a comparison.
If you're looking at the HyperX Fury, it's write speed is almost 4 times that of the KingDian.

The King Dian SSD is Data Read/Write: 559.7/380.5 MB/s which is fairly average for an SSD. I'd choose the Kingston just because it is a more well established brand. It will probably have similar speeds (not sure about model) but all 120GB SSD's are slower than larger models and have lower IOPS too. I wouldn't get an SSD smaller than 240GB myself.


I don't really need an SSD larger than 120gb (this is my first build and I'm on a relatively tight budget). Does the write speed of the SDD I linked and the write speed of larger SSD's vary that much?

So the Kingston SSD I linked is the one (out of these two) that I should go for?

Thanks for all the help guys
That Kingston is Read 450MB/s, Write 450MB/s. The King Dian is Read 559.7MB/s Write 380.5 MB/s and not your regular SSD as it has a cache whereas most new SSD's dont. Just go for the Kingston.

And 120gb does affect the write speed, but more so the IOPS, so it will be less responsive than a larger model with a better memory controller, but still faster than a regular 3.5" HDD.

Ok thanks for all the help both of you, that's the one I'll go for.