Which update do you recommend?


Sep 20, 2017
Hi so I currently have a budget of £50 to update my rig.

My specs are as follows:

Cpu - G4400 - stock cooler

Gpu - rx 560

Ram - 4gb ddr4 crucial

Mobo - msi pro vd-plus

Storage - 500gb western digital (oldish hard drive from my last rig)

Psu - corsair 450w 80+ cert bronze

So my question is what should I upgrade? I currently don't overclock anything however I'm thinking of overclocking my cpu to 3.7.
I only have one case fan as my mobo only has 1 3pin connector.

I was mainly thinking about either adding 4gb of extra ddr4 or adding in a 120gb ssd to speed up windows and a couple of programmes.

What would you suggest?

Thanks in advance.
Don't get me wrong. Both the memory and SSD upgrades will help performance. Your budget is what limits the optimal outcome of doing both.

There is no wrong "which to do first", but I wouldn't spend my money on a 120/128GB SSD when a larger one (and slightly more costly) would be a much better solution in the long-term.

SSD before anything ! It is the single most effective way to improve general performance and responsiveness of you system. Although, if you are gaming, this won't help you much outside loading times.
One for memory and one for ssd so far.

Little bit more info if needed: games I play atm are runescape (3 second loading screens) and verdun which takes 2miniutes to load up.

Also I will be upgrading in the future so perhaps it's worth waiting for ram prices to drop?
Don't get me wrong. Both the memory and SSD upgrades will help performance. Your budget is what limits the optimal outcome of doing both.

There is no wrong "which to do first", but I wouldn't spend my money on a 120/128GB SSD when a larger one (and slightly more costly) would be a much better solution in the long-term.