As yet we have no 64 bit Operating system so stay in the fastest CPU you can at 32 bit. This makes the last AMD XP line affordable but the Intel line has some great 32 bit CPU's that now wont break the bank roll.
Always hard when it comes to building a faster typewriter because you feel the pang of why should I drop 2 or 3 grand into a typewriter.
Well if you online game and have a little self respect you at least want to have a system that can compete and it makes a big difference between an elite player and a bad player if you have good hardware.
However I have had very little luck with Intel CPU's gaming and I don't understand why really they should by all accounts work better but they don't.
I have fast reflexes in fact I had them tested after a spinal injury and that was 20 some years ago but my right side was 20% faster then normal tests and my injured left side was now lowered was equal to normal peoples reflexes.
What I am getting at is most people don't move as fast or as controlled as I can and in computer games like Day Of Defeat they have a in game mouse sensitivity of 4. or 5. so they can target without pushing the crosshair all over the screen but they adjust their Yaw so they can turn in a circle fast.
I don't even bother with that I use a mouse sensitivity of 14.03000 and I can still shoot the eye out of a guy at 200 yards in game and run around the map through all the terrain with no problems.
I can't find optical mice that can keep up to my in game mouse speed they are to slow optically. The best one I have found to date is the Logitech standard 2 button wheel mouse and it can keep up to my game movements but I do not get any extra buttons with it.
Ok end of point here is, Intel CPU's are slow they do not allow me to move around in game correctly. Not so with AMD CPU's for some reason they have a faster response time.
It doesn't matter what graphics cards I use I can still set DoD into Developer mode in game and set fps_max to infinity on both AMD and Intel CPU's and get frame rates as high as 250 fps in game and yet both machines look like they are performing the same but they are not the Intel CPU is not up to the task.
As a rule I generally win every map I play on for both flag caps and kills and this is on 32 player servers with 16 guys on each team fighting it out.
I know Intel by spec should be better my skills show AMD is better and I have fast reflexes that Intel cannot keep up with.
We could
CPU spec's and MOB frequency's until we are blue in the face and argue numbers and benchmarks but I am giving an honest 20 years working with computers and online graphics applications such as games and if you want a CPU that delivers get a high end AMD system.
<font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=orange>LOVES</font color=orange> <font color=red>CANADA</font color=red>