Which upgrade should i get for a new PC?


Jan 18, 2014
Hello there!

I am going to buy a new PC with the following hardware:

Case: cooler master cilensio 550
CPU: Intel I5 4460 3.2 Ghz
Cooler: cooler master hyper 412S
Motherboard: Asus B85m-G
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB DDR3-1600
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750 TI 2GB
Hard Drive: 2000 GB Sata III
Power supply: 600 Watt Cooler Master
OS: WIndows 7 Home Premium
Not overclocked.

Now the problem is, i can either get this above me, or upgrade the CPU or GPU. I only have the money to upgrade one. If i upgrade the CPU it will be an Intel Core i5 4690K 3.50 Ghz. If i upgrade the GPU it will be a GTX 760 2GB. I will be playing games like Skyrim, Planetside 2, and smaller games like TF2 and maybe others. Thank you for You're help.

If you don't plan on overclocking the CPU then there will be not that much increase on performance really.

You are better off upgrading your GPU because that's where you will see the performance increase.
In the UK you can get the better gtx 960 for the same price as the gtx 760 so why not try getting a gtx 960.
If you don't plan on overclocking the CPU then there will be not that much increase on performance really.

You are better off upgrading your GPU because that's where you will see the performance increase.
In the UK you can get the better gtx 960 for the same price as the gtx 760 so why not try getting a gtx 960.

Wow that's cheap. unfortunately that's 140 euro more expensive than the GTX 760 here so that isn't a option. It will be a GTX 760 then, if someone doesn't have a different opinion than yours. Anyway, thank you.


If the gtx 760 is similarly priced to the r9 270x, the gtx 760 is the better option.
Is there no 3GB graphics cards you can get? If you can not afford one I would suggest holding on until you can afford one. Games like Skyrim with a bunch of mods will eat into that VRAM. TF2 will be fine with a 2GB card though.

Yes very true, if he can save he should. At the end of all the patience, you shall be rewarded.

Jak, nice build 🙂
MD Radeon R7 260X 2GB [- € 130,00]
Nvidia GTX 750 Ti 2GB [- € 105,00]
AMD Radeon R9 270X 2GB [- € 65,00]
Nvidia GTX 760 2GB [- € 20,00]
AMD Radeon HD R9 280X 3GB
Here you can see what the price difference is from cheap to expensive. (the R 280x is 20 euro more expensive then the GTX 760 etc.) As you can see Jak, the R9 280x is the only one with 3GB. But i will not run many, or even no mods at all. so i don't think 3GB will help me much.

I have a laptop that has a pretty good CPU (I7 3610 QM) but a really bad GPU ( Nvidia GT 610), so not capable to play heavy games. And i'm not going to build a PC, because i like the warranty and i am to afraid to destroy a component.


Sorry no idea. If you are on Steam, you should stick a post in the discussion thread for Planet Side 2. You are bound to get a few replies from regular players of the game. A quick look about the internet and I see that the games likes a powerful CPU so bare that in mind.

Also consider what you may be wanting to play in the future. Out of personal experience I have in the past saved about £200 on a £1000 new build and regretted not spending the extra money. Graphics cards are easy enough and not massively expensive to upgrade if you are only doing it once every 2-3 years, but I found that as I had a slower CPU I only upgraded once and then the CPU was holding me back. Had I initially spent the extra £200 on a better motherboard, power pack and CPU I could have got the PC to last me a good 6+ years. But in the end, after only 2 years I had to spend £500+ to get a new motherboard/CPU and RAM. Then I needed a new PCU as the old one was not modular and did not have the required output for the graphics card and everything.

So basically don't fall into the 'false economy' trap that I did. Even if you borrow the money to get the rig you want, then you will 'future proof' yourself for at least a few more years and a good build can take a couple of graphics card upgrades as prices of them come down and speeds go up every couple of years or so.

Even an extra £150-200 now can mean saving money in the long run. Unless you intend to get an entry level PC every 2-3 years or so, in which case I can't really give you any advice.

You could potentially be able to get a gtx 960/970 once you save up more. And this year we dont know what AMD yet has to bring to the market. You are best off waiting and you could be rewarded well either way.

So I think you should just wait that little longer and save up and you get a better GPU.

Yeah my friend had this problem and now he's stuck trying to gather funds for an upgrade. He went for an i3 and a really good motherboard even though he could have got an AMD six core and a good mobo for the same price at that time. He should have listened to me 😀 lol

I don't know if you're good at this, but is it hard and dangerous to change the CPU/GPU?

Yeah Jak, Planetside 2 is CPU intensive, but upgrading to a I7 is to expensive. I will go to the Steam forums. Thank again guys, if you have any tips for me, you're welcome to tell me.

It neither hard or dangerous. Only danger if you tried doing it whilst the pc is running lol. Or if you do without the anti static wrist strap. I thought it was hard but when I actually fitted it the first time, it's easy, almost like lego but with more expensive larger components. but if you watch a guide or even ask us Good folks on Toms whilst building then you can get help whenever you want.

Changing the CPU is the more expensive option because you would also change the mobo. For that price you could get a gtx 960 or gtx 970 depending on which mobo.

I've never had much luck with overclocking graphics cards, it just causes too many glitches and crashes for only about 2-3 fps more. My old i7 920 on the the other hand I managed to get completely stable at 3.6GHz which I used for about 3 years. I did run it at 3.8GHz, but it crashed once on Prime95 although games were fine, so I just thought 3.6GHz would be safer overall. But now I have got this new PC, I might stick my old stuff in a spare case, water cool it (I only need the correct CPU block) and try get to 3.9-4.0GHz.

Anyway, pretty sure you can not overclock on that motherboard you are getting. And that CPU is not a 'k' version so overclocking will be more difficult if it's even possible.
It is, I5 4690K. About the motherbord, yes, it is not possibe to overclock with it. Anyway, i think i can get around 50+ FPS at high with a I5 4690K and a GTX 760. So i think that's my build.

Case: cooler master cilensio 550
CPU: Intel I5 4690k @3.5 Ghz
Cooler: cooler master hyper 412S
Motherboard: Asus B85m-G
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB DDR3-1600
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 760 2GB
Hard Drive: 2000 GB Sata III
Power supply: 600 Watt Cooler Master
OS: WIndows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Not overclocked.

Please if you have any tips or suggestions, tell me. Thank you.

The gtx 760 is the best price for performance out of what you showed and the costs.
Are you planning on overclocking the 4690k in the future, presumably with a better mobo?

If not, then you could probably save money with going for a slightly cheaper i5 that is requires less power and just as powerful. Such as 4590 etc.
Jak: yes it comes with a standard cooler, but doesn't cool that much and makes alot of noise (not good for when recording video's).

Tesla: Here are all the CPU's i can choose from:
Intel® Core™ i3-4160 3,6GHz
Intel® Core™ i5 4460 3.2 GHz [+ € 90,00]
Intel® Core™ i5 4690K 3.50 Ghz [+ € 160,00]
Intel® Core™ i7 4790 3.6 GHz [+ € 225,00]
Intel® Core™ i7 4790K 4.0 GHz [+ € 245,00]