Which way does air flow through the reference RX 480?


Feb 6, 2016
So I'm doing a Crossfire RX 480 build, but I also want it to be as quiet as possible. (I know, ha ha quiet and AMD don't have the best track record). So to give you a bit of backstory on my build, the CPU is watercooled and so it doesn't put much heat into the case, instead it goes into the air outside. I would like to minimize the amount of fans I have on the cased, so does air flow through the PCI cover, through the card, and out of the blower fan into the case (therefore putting heat into the case and requiring more fans to take it out😉 or does the air travel from inside the case, through the blower fan, through the card, and out the PCI cover?

It's sort of a combination... I have the DeepCool Captain and for most intents and purposes is a closed loop. However, DeepCool sells a case called the Genome that uses the same cooler built in but adds a reservoir, so the closed loop I have could be upgraded to an open loop of sorts. And believe me I have thought about doing a custom loop, but I have a bit of a budget so I plan on building the PC and seeing how much wiggle room I have for a custom loop. But thanks for the answer!

I would not go out of your way honestly. The GPU fan will speed up and slow down as needed. I run 2x GPU's and the noise is minimal even under load.